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[Bare Sqwhirl] Got my Nut


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If you hadn't noticed the name of this blog has changed. I was torn about just deleting it, but I thought it would be better to keep it going. I have some things I still want to work through and to share.

So while back I finally got my nut. I'm not sure when it happened or who is the proud father is. I never had any of those nasty seroconversion symptoms that you always hear about. I can not nail down a time frame. I just went in for my normal check up, they did the normal battery of tests including HIV along with cholesterols and blood sugar. Usually the nurse practitioner would call with the results or I could go online then view them. This time when they called they said they wanted me to com back in because there was an abnormality in the test. I told them I could come in today because I was off.

I went online to see if I could see the test results, but they were all blocked. I head over to the clinic, I let them know that I'm here. Since I was a walk in this was going to take some time I knew that, but I hoped that they knew I was coming. After an hour they finally call me in a nurse takes my vitals and ask what brought me in today. I said well you guys called me and said there was something up with my test results. She looks over my file and says she'll be right back. When she gets back she tell me to go back to the waiting room and one of the Doctors will be right with me.

I waited for another 20 minutes and then a doctors comes out and calls me. We head back to the examining room, mind you he was not my normal doctor. We sit down and he starts going over my results your cholesterols look good...Blah Blah and you are HIV +. I was like what was that? He went on it's not a death sentence and there are really good treatments out there and it can be managed like diabetes. I said back up there I'm HIV +? We did the test and the retest and both came back the same. He was a young guy and I could tell this was the first time he probably had to break the news to someone. But I have to say he did not do a very good job.


I knew that this day would come. My sexual behavior was borderlining on deviant, I had been no angel. I took a lot of risks and I had a lot of fun. This is where we are today and I have only one regrets. That in the process of taking these risk I also found out I probably past it to one of my fuck buds. After finding out my results and let it soak in a bit I made a few phone calls to my fuck buds and let them know they should get tested. There are still a few out there that I did not have contact information for and they had been one time hit and run.

This is where we are today and here are my latest test numbers.

[TABLE=class: tr-caption-container, align: center]


[TD=align: center]VL+Count.jpeg[/TD]



[TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]Viral Load Results[/TD]



[TABLE=class: tr-caption-container, align: center]


[TD=align: center]CD4.jpeg[/TD]



[TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]CD4 Results[/TD]





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