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[iBLASTinside] Q&A: Can His Poz (But Undetectable) Load Go into My Neg Ass and I Stay


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Question.pngI love reading your blog! Not only is it hotter than fuck, but it’s also super informative.

My partner and I are both in our 40s. He’s poz, I’m neg. Recently, after almost a decade together, we started fucking bareback.

When I fuck him, I don’t*use a condom and I cum inside him.

When he fucks me (which is more*frequent) he pulls out and cums on my ass. I’d love for him to cum*inside me but he won’t do it. He doesn’t want to be responsible for*making me poz.

His viral load has been undetectable for years.

What*are the risks to me if he were to cum inside me? I really want his*load in me.

Your blog rocks!

Answer.pngKudos on you two sharing your DNA! Well, one of you is sharing yours, actually. You really want his and to experience jizzjoy Open-New-Window-External.png.

I’m going to give you the skinny first with a couple of alternatives.

[h=3]What Your Doctor Might Say…[/h]What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Slap that condom on both of you and forget about it.

[h=3]The Drug Route[/h]Serodiscordant Open-New-Window-External.png*couples, as a physician would call you, makes the negative partner a perfect candidate for prophylaxis Truvada*Open-New-Window-External.png*regimen, which means you’d take the antiviral as a precaution against getting HIV.

It’s an expensive choice and, in some cases, your insurance may not cover it since it’s just preventative. Plus, you may or may not suffer side effects of the drug.

Now for what I really think.

And part of me wants to take you both, slap you up side the head and then have your partner fuck you and teach you, as a bottom, how to make sure that fucking load ends up with it belongs.

You’re both already doing everything else.

[h=3]When You Fuck Your Boyfriend[/h]Let me paint a picture.

Micron-Dick-230x300.pngThis is your cock in the photo your provided to the right. It is 8 inches long and 4 inches around.

Now because HIV is a little bugger, I’m just (for fuck’s sake) going to convert inches into millimeters because that’s the smallest measurement we all think of in our daily lives (but you’re going to be proud because your cock is going to sound huge).

Your cock is 203 mm long and 102 mm around.

The approximate surface area of your cock is 24,000 square millimeters (if your cock were a perfect cylinder, and that calculation skips the base).

That much surface area is going into the HIV-rich juices of your boyfriend’s ass every time you fuck him. Every time. Deep in his gut.

Visualize that for a moment. The smallest skin cut gives a route into your skin.

Now to get really fucking real, HIV is 10,000 times smaller than a millimeter. HIV is about 0.1 micron. In other words, if we were to measure the area of your cock in microns, that would be 24 million square microns. And each square micron could give 100 bugs to pass through at any given time.

Let’s multiply that out even more and say that the “holes” available for HIV to invade your body just through your cock’s surface area alone is something like 2.4 billion.

But so far, you haven’t gotten it.

It’s not like you’re not risking getting it when you fuck him.

[h=3]When Your Boyfriend Tops You[/h]Has he put a cork in his cock? Has he assured there’s no precum slipping out through that pee-hole?

I’ve never gotten the whole “pulling out” bullshit, which is why I blast inside (sorry, couldn’t resist).

Now he’s inside you, pumping away. Your most vulnerable moments are when you first stretch out and microfissures can open up in the linings of the colon. The colon offers lots of opportunity to transfer bodily fluids both ways, but of course the bottom is receiving.

As he’s fucking you in those early stages, he is grinding his fluids into your ass and into whatever openings are there. You’re getting his precum, his spit, his sweat, left over piss, and pretty much anything else between the two of you anyway.

Take those same measurements and of his cock and you can take the amount of your interior skin being exposed to his fluids through that touch.

I’m skipping your oral activity and the debatable kissing and other fun stuff. And I didn’t even bother to suggest there might be something a little more kinky going on.

[h=3]Here’s the Point[/h]If you were to become poz, it likely would have already happened. But let me make the logical point.

Your boyfriend’s viral load*— the amount of the virus in his blood*— is undetectable. I can’t stress this enough. Tests can’t detect it.

I know it’s not an exact*congruence, but it’s like HIV has gone into remission. It’s hiding. It’s somewhere in the body, but you just don’t know where it is or when and where it will likely turn up.

While there’s a chance that it could change at anytime and reemerge, for now he’s essentially negative.

You’re both basically seroconcordant*Open-New-Window-External.png.

Either fuck or don’t. I personally say fuck. Your boyfriend needs to understand that you can just as easily become HIV-positive by what you’re currently doing if the virus decides to return. But tomorrow there could be an earthquake or an asteroid or a car wreck. I’m not suggesting you live your life as if you’ll die tomorrow. I’m suggesting you live your life as if the traffic light is on green all the time, not yellow.

[h=3]Postscript[/h]You do need to be prepared for the possibility of conversion Open-New-Window-External.png, even if you keep fucking the same way you are now. And while I wouldn’t pretend to know the nature of your relationship, I am betting you don’t have a problem with being poz. He’s not hearing you right now because he sees the prejudice that being positive brings among gays.

I want that to stop as much as you do. My point of all this was to make it clear that you both are lucky to have found one another. It’s a wonderful thing to share and your partner needs to stop feeling guilty that he might expose you to something that you’re exposed to already.

It’s a choice you’ve both made to share. I think it’s wonderful.

[h=3]help.png* * * ** help2.png* * * * *help.png* * * ***help2.png[/h]Mark Bentson aka iBLASTinside welcomes getting messages from his readers and loves answering them.*Send a message to*iBLASTinside@gmail.com*mailbox_full.png*or hit him up on*his contact page*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png.

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