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[iBLASTinside] The Bareback Brotherhood Isn’t Just a Hashtag


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Derek-Parker-Joins-the-Bareback-Brotherhood.pngThe tweet arrived from Mitch Mason twitter-tiny.png, the rather handsome director of marketing for Treasure Island Media Open-New-Window-External.png:

Derek Parker joins the Bareback Brotherhood #BBBH

I appreciate the notion and, indeed, former Hot House muscle man Derek Parker took a bareback load on

TIMfuck.com Open-New-Window-External.png*(I’ve got an upcoming blog post about him and another porn star switching from condom play to raw fucking in a couple of days).But I had to burst a couple of bubbles.Neither Derek nor Mitch are members of the Bareback Brotherhood.While membership in the Bareback Brotherhood is rather loose, we do ask one very simple thing, found on our website at BBBH.org/about Open-New-Window-External.png:If you are on Twitter, add #BBBH to your Twitter bio line. Once you do that, please notify one of the Founders of the Bareback Brotherhood…Both Derek and Mitch would be welcome to join the #BBBH. I hope they both do. I’d adore welcoming them and all the other TIM porn performers as BBBH members.But they’re not. At least, not at this time. Other porn performers use them.

[h=2]On using #BBBH[/h]

There’s absolutely no restriction is using the #BBBH in a tweet to indicate some bareback activity. In fact, we encourage it.However, I do need to be a little cautious when it comes to actual membership and using the Bareback Brotherhood in regards to commercial ventures like porn.Another porn company (not Treasure Island Media) asked to use “Bareback Brotherhood” in a title of its porn. I declined.I told the porn company that we welcomed all of the performers to join #BBBH and that fact could be advertised beside each and every name of its performers. However, the Bareback Brotherhood isn’t associated with a single porn company.The idea of a brotherhood becomes a little twisted when we start to use it in association with just one commercial venture.If you do a

search on Twitter for “BBBH”*twitter-tiny.png, you’ll begin to see just how pervasive the use of the term is. The Bareback Brotherhood’s hashtag is used with hundreds of individuals, porn retweets and several who find what we do as a problem.We’re not a single company. We’re not a single person. We’re not a single tweet.

[h=2]The #BBBH is full time, all the time[/h]

That is why it is in my Twitter bio (and those of my fellow co-founders,

@GAPozAthens twitter-tiny.png*and @CH4SUK twitter-tiny.png). That’s why almost 2,000 men on Twitter have it in their bios, but another 1,200-plus men use the #BBBH hashtag and can’t bring themselves to actually embrace it fully and include it in their bios. Oh, and there’s a few more than 5,000 men registered on BBBH.org Open-New-Window-External.png.No one supports this effort financially but me, and of the last 36 months, I’ve been employed full time only seven months. I’m currently unemployed. I’d love to say this is a labor of love but really, it’s one of necessity because no one else is out there spreading the truth about barebacking and the choice we, as men, have in fucking.While I appreciate porn*— hell, I fucking love some of it*— the job of these companies is not to do anything else but to make money. And if they can do it on the marketing back of a hashtag, they will.

(Believe me, I know, my career is in marketing.) Forgive me for splicing it up, but if you want to claim a porn performer is in the Bareback Brotherhood, do us the courtesy of making sure that porn performer’s Twitter bio has the hashtag “#BBBH” in it. For goodness sake, we’re not asking for money or a donation. We’re just asking for an acknowledgement of our full-time struggle. A porn performer just might do it on screen. We live it.

[h=4]What people are searching to find this page::[/h]

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