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[Breeder] On Hiatus . . . Only Kind Of


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You know, when I started this blog, I didn't intend much out of it. At the very least I thought I'd have a private place to share my current and past sexual experiences—something I very much needed, because sex is a pretty big part of my life and I enjoy writing about it.

What I didn't expect was the sheer amount of support and kindness I'd get from total strangers. The comments you guys have made on my entries and the emails you've sent have been fantastic. I hadn't expected to make friends from this enterprise, but I have, and I continue to. Even someone I had previously known and admired who turned out to read my blog opened up to me in an unexpected and touching way when I wrote about him.

New friends are amazing things. So thank you very much, all of you, most sincerely.

Now the semi-bad new: for the next seven days I'm going to be visiting my dad in central Virginia.

My elderly dad, I have to explain right up front, lives in some Luddite fantasyland in which he has no internet connection, no WiFi, and an actual Betamax machine sitting on top of his television. While I'm there I'll have my iPhone with me for checking email and Twitter and for attempting to make a few hookups, but for the most part it'll be me, him, and forty channels of basic cable.

And I can't make blog entries from an iPhone. Trust me. I've tried.

Fear not, however. I've lined up a solid week of stuff for every day I'm absent. You'll be getting three sexy old journal entries you won't have read before, a day of dirty photos, and answers to all the questions you've ever wanted to know about me—or some of them, anyway. It'll almost be like I haven't left at all.

As a special bonus, check back after 3:00 this afternoon for a bonus post in which I show off photos and short videos of me stroking and shooting with a new cock ring.

Feel free to reach out and give me a sanity check with comments and emails. I'll respond to each and every one. I promise. I'd especially love some emails today while I'm making the fourteen-hour drive from Michigan to Virginia. It'll break up the monotony of the road. (The dirtier the better!)

And again, if there's anyone in central Virginia looking for some fun over the weekend, hit me up. I'll probably have several days worth of sperm churning in my nuts.

You probably won't notice that I'm even gone, but I'll see you guys when I get back!12316001024335229-4623743328545042831?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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