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[iBLASTinside] In a Week of Victories, Barebackers Slammed with Yet More Hate


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The U.S. Supreme Court issued a couple of landmark rulings*— one basically letting California resume marrying same-gender couples and the other, and much more important, striking down the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” (or DOMA) as unconstitutional.

While the DOMA ruling still allows a patchwork of states to maintain their bigotry, it did provide some remarkable language from the high court. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote:

“DOMA’s principal effect is to identify a subset of state-sanctioned marriages and make them unequal. The principal purpose is to impose inequality, not for other reasons like governmental efficiency. Responsibilities, as well as rights, enhance the dignity and integrity of the person. And DOMA contrives to deprive some couples married under the laws of their State, but not other couples, of both rights and responsibilities.”

In other words, the law was codified bigotry.

[h=2]Now on to hypocritical bigotry[/h]A day before the ruling, the pseudo-news site for gays, Queerty, ran a piece about the Bareback Brotherhood*Open-New-Window-External.png. The slow editors —*quick to pick up on the latest steroid-pumped pecs on meth-induced porn stars*— just learned about the #BBBHstar_blue.png movement on Twitter more than two years in thanks to an “intrepid reader.”

Posting on our “about” page became our “mission statement.” And without interviewing one of our foundersstar_blue.png, began making sweeping statements.

Oh God, how I love the media.

On a website that glorifies the party culture of the gay community, where one can hardly pass a page without some naked flashes of overly shaved men, the editors decide to come down hard on a social group.

The “editors” on this money-making commercial website have one article dedicated to Treasure Island Media, the world’s largest bareback studio. Oh, it’s mentioned a few more times on the website, but the article is connected to a story about a California government agency fining the studio for failing to use (gasp!) condoms on set and exposing actors to bodily fluids.

When cute, twink-boy porn site Sean Cody went bareback, Queerty went a little soft on them, writing:

“Whether or not bareback porn leads to unprotected sex among viewers has been hotly contested and is almost impossible to prove.*We generally err on the side of letting grown adults make their own judgment calls….”*Open-New-Window-External.png

Then there’s how soft Queerty is with Maverick Men, a growing bareback media empire. Media darling Chris Crocker fucked raw there Open-New-Window-External.png*and Maverick Men wrote a book worthy of an article*Open-New-Window-External.png.

I also did a couple of searches on bareback hook-up websites. Our Queerty editors haven’t bothered to take them on. Not at all. BarebackRT.com Open-New-Window-External.png*is safe from the wrath. And I doubt the editors know anything about the bareback gatherings like CumUnion Open-New-Window-External.png*or the many other bareback fuck parties around. Or maybe the short bus hasn’t made it to those stops.

[h=2]Bigotry to the People[/h]But when it comes to bareback sex, the hammer must come down on the ordinary men of the Bareback Brotherhood.*We’re the ones glorifying bareback sex and personally forcing people to get infected.

Never mind our bareback sex isn’t distributed to millions and sold. We are the masses. We’re the ones without the legal resources to sue or send a cease and desist letter. We’re not an organization that may someday, if Queerty can’t figure out what to do, buy a couple of skyscraper click-through ads on the website.

The editors, who’s probably just one condom Nazi needing a good breeding or a bareback denier who gets raw fucks all the time but can’t bring himself to tell the truth, puts himself on some platform of thinking he’s better than everyone.

He’s sitting back at his desk, smoking those Marlboro Reds after that satisfying Big Mac, fries and a chocolate shake of God-knows-what (but it wasn’t ice cream, milk or chocolate) and thinks he knows better for everyone what’s healthy for our lives.

And meanwhile, the money talks and every commercial enterprise gets a pass.


Mark Bentson, aka iBLASTinside, is a cofounder of the Bareback Brotherhood.


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