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[Sperm Pig] Father/Son Play


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I have this fuck buddy who really gets off on father/son play. He’s a top and a handful of years older than me, so he’s “Dad”.

I’m the son.

Given my real life fam experiences, it really isn’t a stretch for me to play the role. In fact, I get off on it almost as much as he does.

He’s a dirty pervy fuck too. We talk very dirty, make out, and suck each other while watching videos on his computer. He talks about wanting to father another kid (a boy this time) so he can pass on his dick genes.

He has a beautiful cock. 8.5 cut inches. Thick as my wrist in the middle. Big nuts. And he gets rock hard while playing with his boy.

We ramp up the father/son chat. “Dad, your penis is so much bigger than mine! I hope mine gets that big one day!”

"Trust me, son, it will. You’ll impress all the girls— and boys."

"You like daddy’s big cock, son? Yeah, lick up that precum. You Like tasting our shared DNA boy?"

I say things like, “I’ll do anything you want, sir. I just want you to be proud of me.”

"You do make me proud! And you’re growing into a fine boy. I’m so glad we can share this private time together."

We continue our foreplay and role play chat until I sense that its about time for him to fuck me. This is usually after he pulls my mouth off a few times because he’s close.

"Daddy, will you show me what it’s like to have sex? Like what you do with mom, but with me? Please?"

"Only if you promise never to tell, son. It had to be our secret."

"I promise, sir."

Then he takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. I have poppers handy and he has some lube close by. He lays me on my back so we can dry hump and make out some more.

"Please show me, sir?"

He eats my ass, and gets me as spitty as possible. Then he spits on his cock. I hit the poppers and he starts to enter me.

"Ow, daddy! It hurts!! It’s too dry!!" This part I don’t even have to act because his cock IS too dry and it is so fucking thick that it hurts like a motherfucker.

"Just relax son. It’s gonna hurt a little because I’m pretty big and your hole is small. But it will get better, I promise."

He uses a bit of lube now, and starts to enter again.

"Oh sir! It hurts!! I don’t know if…."

"You want to know what sex is like or not?" He says sharply.

"Yes sir. I’m sorry daddy. I’ll be good."

He slowly slides the rest of the way in while I do more poppers. His cock fills me completely. It’s goddamn awesome.

He slow fucks me while telling me what a good boy I am, how tight and warm my ass is, and how impressed he is that I’m doing such a good job.

"You’re making your dad very happy, son. Very soon I’m going to show you how a man makes a baby."

"Please show me sir! I want to know what happens!"

"You promise not to tell anyone— especially not mom?"

"Oh I promise!!"

He pumps my ass a few more minutes, then “Here it comes, boy! I’m going to shoot my sperm inside!!”

And with a loud cry he does just that. His fat cock throbs deep inside, and I feel his hot wetness fill my ass.

"Are we making a baby, dad? Is that what you want? Me to make a little brother? I’ll do whatever you want sir."

"Oh son— you are such a good boy! I love you, kid."

"I love you too sir."

Then he pulls out slowly and makes me clean him off with my mouth.

Yesterday we actually fucked twice. Normally he’s done after the one breeding, but I sucked him and talked some more and he got hard again.

"Can I sit on it, sir?"

"Yeah, son. Sit that tight little ass down on your daddy’s big cock."

I rode him quite awhile and was worried that he wouldn’t cum again. So I jacked my limp cock with the tips of my fingers of both hands, making it look as small as possible while I kept repeating “I want more sperm, please?? I won’t tell mom. I won’t tell anyone!”

He shot a second load deep and I blew mine all the way up to his chin.

"Damn son! Lookit that load!! Is that your first? You do your old man proud!"

Yeah. It feels good to please daddy.


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