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[BikeGuy13] Biggest Load Ever?


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Within the last 90 minutes, I have taken what is possibly the biggest load I have ever encountered. At least orally.

He came to me via a CL ad I placed. Either too cavalier or stupid to use an email account that doesn't have his first and last name on it, he was looking for a noon-time blowjob. He was new to me.

50 or 55, 5'11", 180, dark, greased back hair with a hint of grey to it. The scalloped wedding ring. And a diamond stud in his left ear - one he was way too old to be try to pull that off. With the clothes he wore, he would remind you off a guy who managed a Merry-Go-Round, if they still existed (or maybe they do).

Neither here nor there. I wasn't there to judge him on his dress or earring, but on his 7.5" cock he claimed to have. I was skeptical as I rubbed him through his pants. I was still not sure as I rubbed him through his tight boxer briefs.

Once those came down, out sprang a semi-hard 5" penis.

Respectable, but I wasn't sure it would get to the advertised size.

With a hit of poppers, I placed my lips to his head and immediately sank all the way down. No teasing - not yet.

With my mouth I helped him grow. We'd all like to think it was just with out mouths or asses, but some of it is mental on their part too. Yes, we as a gender think with out dicks, but we can't always control them with our northern brain.

He did grow to his full size. But maybe 7.25". Still not bad and a good sized thickness.

The man was beyond reserved. It would take him a few therapy sessions to get TO reserved, he was that low key. No words. No sounds. Not a grunt or groan as I worked his meat with my lips, mouth, tongue and throat.

A few times, he touched my left, and only left shoulder, while pivoting himself slightly to his left. At first I thought he was just steadying himself for the head I was giving. After the third time, I made an assumption is was some kind of physical indication he was close to orgasm.

I can normally tell by other reactions, but he had such small nuts to begin with, feeling if they pulled up and in was a no-go. His lack of response, verbally, to my attention was a non-starter.

But with his head at my throat, I felt a pulse. Then two, then three. He was shooting directly into my throat.

Since I like to taste it, I pulled back. Four, five, six, seven - up to nine pulses, easily. Each time I thought the volume would slow down or lessen, it remained at least as strong as the one before.

I am proud to say I kept every fucking drop. I am not as proud to say how much I struggled to keep up with the amount of seed this guy had. I struggled, I gagged, my eyes watered a bit.

I like to think I'm a better cocksucker than this, but on the other hand, I need to be challenged now and again. I like my limits pushed. I like honing my skills. This guy did that.

What kills me is, he wasn't trying to do any of that. He was standing as still as possible, saying absolutely nothing, and letting some unknown guy take his dick into his mouth.

I'm glad he gave me no warning of what was to come. Maybe he didn't know. But I shoot huge loads and the few times I do get sucked, I warn the cocksucker about my shooting because they always say they can take it and they almost never can. But I didn't want him to be me, the feeder. Catch the cocksucker off guard, let him work for it, surprise him - and that's what this guy did.

For the life of me, it is quite possible the biggest load I have ever swallowed. And let's face it, that's saying something. A few times I've been 'round that track......

I promised him I wouldn't contact him, but if he ever wanted another go-round, he knew how to get a hold of me.


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