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[BikeGuy13] Black is the new Black


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A buddy of mine mentioned recently that once you get some black cock, a signal goes out to other black men saying you're open for business.

It's not quite the same as that old phrase, 'once you go black you don't go back'.

I have gone back - and forth - quite a bit. I had my first black dick when I was 16. Even end of last year and the beginning of this, I have had some I've written about and many that I have not.

And of course, last month, you read about me and the DL Professor.

You did not read about four other DL guys - one who did fuck me, one who attempted to fuck me and two others for whom I got down on my knees. And there's another one in the wings. Or on deck. Choose your theater or baseball analogy according to your Butch Level.

The one who attempted to fuck me was on A4A. Nice dick, iffy guy. A slim guys, but his belly was bloated / distended like he needed it tapped and drained. Considering he was living next to a hospital, maybe that was his deal. He wanted to fuck but had no skills. I like wham-bam stuff, but he was just bad at it. Painfully bad - and I mean that in every way. I finally made him stop and I sucked him off. It wasn't what I wanted, but sometimes that's not always possible.

I have no illusions about returning, though he messages me almost every single day, but doesn't get the hint. I guess I'm being too nice.

One of the feeders is a solid guy, taller than I am, maybe 6'4", but 230 or so. 8" he claims, but is closer to 7". He's not fond of flakes, but failed to show one time; was here for 45 seconds the second and had to bolt and finally showed up a week later and stayed that third time. He might qualify as a flake.

The cock was nice. His filthy mouth demeaning me was nicer. "White cocksucker" or "white faggot" came out of his mouth repeatedly. I mean, he was flaking and I still let him in and was on my knees - he knew the score.

I worked on him a good 30 minutes before he gave up his nut. The seed was ok but nothing I couldn't handle. I took every drop. I haven't heard from him since.

The other guy was even more DL. Answering from Home Depot and stopping by on his way to wherever he was going.

More blue collar, more street than the other guys, with a big whopping 8.5" cock. He was quiet, but assertive in his hip action into my mouth. He was a little grimy for me - and I really mean unshowered and a little bit rank. I like that to a degree, but there is a point where it's just not fun.

Still he shot a big load - one I took. He mentioned having my email and would use it again, but I have heard nothing from him. Nor did I expect to. I think he was so heavy on the down low that he wasn't going to reach out to anyone repeatedly.

Honestly, I know I had another feeder, but he isn't standing out to me as anything special.

But as for the one who pumped my ass, he was a quiet guy. 60 (yes, 60!), but an incredible gym-built body with a little bit of hair on his worked-out pecs. While his profile said 8", he was 7, maybe even 7.5", but he wasn't 8. He wasn't as thick as he claimed either. Not bad, but I knew I wasn't going to have difficulty taking it - not that that says much about me. :@)

We started with me bent over a desk. That worked for a while, but then he wanted me on all fours. I like it that way - but let's face it, there are few ways I don't like it.

With his exchange on-line, he would have been mistaken for more verbal, but he was not. As I said earlier, he was quiet. He knew what he was doing with that cock and body, as he pumped my ass while on our knees, but he wasn't nearly as aggressive as I imagined he might.

After about 10, he just told me to get flat on my belly. Lately, this seems to be the go-to position for a lot of guys. Clearly, I've been topped this way before (even by the first black guy I was ever with), but within the last 8 months or so, it seems more standard. I'm not opposed to it, but I'm not sure how these "trends" take off. Or maybe it's just coincidence.

He put his weight on top of me and started really sawing at my hole. It felt good.

WAY sooner than I thought, he was going "yeahhh.....yeahhh.....hell yeahhhhh".

Now, he never said he was cumming, but I could feel the jumps and pulses of his black cock up my white ass. He was unloading up there as he continued to loudly moan "yeahhhhhh".

Yeah, indeed.

He said we'd do it again. I haven't heard from him since.

Maybe there is a signal out there that I've been entertaining black guys lately. Maybe their internal network is all abuzz. Time will tell.


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