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[Sperm Pig] Now THAT'S customer service!


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During a recent trip to a distant city, I decided I would make a pilgrimage to a renown leather store. It’s actually less a store and more a leather palace.

They have everything a fetishist could want there— including phenomenal customer service.

I walked in and was a bit wide-eyed at the assortment of goods, but the sales staff was Great about making me feel welcome, asking me if I had any questions, etc.

I wandered around for awhile but kept circling back to the neoprene jock section. I was drawn to the look of the codpieces and open asses.

"See something you like?" Asked the tall, handsome, friendly, tattooed salesman, whom we’ll call "Jim".

"I like the jocks, but the shorts are also cool looking. Which would you recommend?"

"I like the shorts," Jim tells me. "But both frame an ass really well. Why don’t you try some on— what size pants do you wear?"

We did the sizing rigamarole (I’m either a large or XL), I was given a jock to try and then sent back to a dressing area enclosed with a curtain.

I was just in the jock when Jim walked in to check on me. “That looks like it fits well— not too tight?” He checked the snugness. They were still fairly roomy.

"Let me get you those shorts in a large— I think they’ll fit you just fine." So he grabbed the ass-less neoprene shorts and brought them in for me to try. And he stood there while I changed.

"Oh yeah, those fit great. And the leg straps really lift and present your ass."

I modeled them a bit. “So they look okay then?” Yes, I was looking for validation. “Oh yeah,” Jim says. “The sight of your ass in those is making me hard.”

Which he then proceeded to show me.

He unfastened his jeans and out sprang his gorgeous, tattooed, PA’d cock. Did I say cock? I meant python.

Why is it always the tall, lanky guys??

His cuntwrecker was BIG! Probably 8” easy— but the damn thing was THICK! Big head. Wide shaft. My asshole quivered at the thought of taking it, but I was in a leather store dressing room!

I wanted him to fuck me so badly, but I was nervous too! He was huge, I had no poppers, and this was in public— like people changing in the adjoining curtain spaces public!

He told me the PA comes out easily, and he showed me. Once it was out, that was it. I was sucking on his fat prong in a heartbeat. He pulled the curtain a bit more closed for some more privacy. And it wasn’t long before I was bent over the chair in the dressing room while he lubed up.

(This particular dressing room had complementary lube and paper towels handy).

Had we been more alone, I would have made a LOT more noise as his massiveness tore into me. Even with poppers, I would have struggled, but this was fucking the old fashioned way with no enhancements.

I tried my best to relax and take it and do breathing exercises. It hurt like a motherfucker going in— but once he hilted out, I was good. I had him all and was in heaven.

"Damn you’re huge!" I whispered as he started slow humping my hole. His hands worked up to my nipples, which made my hole twitch madly on his dick. My ass opened up and he felt GOOD inside.

But I wanted his load. I wanted him to breed me deeply, right there, in the store, other customers be damned. I needed it.

Looking back over my shoulder, I begged him quietly for his cum. It didn’t take long and soon, in front of the dressing room mirrors, he’s dumping his nuts in my guts. I milked him for all I was worth.

Just knowing that I had been knocked up by this hung sales associate made me giddy! I suppose I was cumdrunk or something. It was goddamn awesome.

"Yeah, I think I’ll take the shorts." I told him as he slowly pulled out.

But I wasn’t done.

I wandered the store a bit more, picked up a few more items, and was chatting relaxedly with Jim when another sales associate walked by. Cute, young, and in tight leather pants, which showed off his cock nicely. (He dresses “right”).

I commented on it to Jim, and he called over — well, we’ll call him “Josh”.

I told Josh that I quite liked his pants and the view. We joked around a bit and suddenly he laughs amiably and says, “Do you wanna suck my cock?”

I nodded that I did.

With that I was led to yet another dressing area in a different part of the store. This was basically just short curtains on chains that “sort of” blocked those trying on clothes from view.

I quickly knelt down as he unbuttoned his leather pants. Once his cock was free, I started sucking like a man possessed.

His cock was beautiful and the longer I sucked the harder it got. And harder. And HARDER! I could feel every vein standing out on his shaft, and the ridge of his head was so tense, his head so swollen AND angry! It was awesome to see my mouth was giving him this reaction.

While sucking, I occasionally snuck glances in the mirror so I could see myself at work. Man was it hot to have this leatherclad stud standing there letting me worship his dick!

I really am a whore for a guy in leather. It just turns my crank, what can I say?

He let out appreciative moans and the occasional “oh fuck yeah!” Looking up at his face while I worked his cock was such a fucking turn on I didn’t even mind that there was a guy changing right next to us, obviously aware of what was happening.

I would have been content to keep sucking him, but he technically *was* on the clock, so I started using my hand to help things along. I worked his shaft with both my mouth and hand which he seemed to enjoy.

I could tell he was getting to the edge because his hands found my shoulders, and I could feel his hands slowly tightening and gripping my t-shirt.

Then with a little grunt, my mouth was receiving a nice liquid reward. I held him in my mouth and worked him slowly, so I could get every drop.

I enjoyed watching him tuck his spent cock back into his leather pants. If only if had more time… Damn.

As it was, I left the store with a bag of goodies and two wonderful “souvenirs”. And one helluva good story about the art of customer service!

Part of me hopes they find this blog and read my account of it.


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