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[Defiant Barebacker] My Predicament Pt. 3 (A Trilogy)


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

It has not happened yet, but I already know how I want it to go, generally speaking. There is this little seed planted in my mind that will cause me to do it sooner or later...

It is the same drive that once kept me visiting restrooms for understall head back in college, and still has me seeking out anonymous hole to fuck and fill with my seed from time to time, almost without any control over what I do. If my past is my guide, there is not much I can do to change this future. It is my destiny.

The Steamworks in Seattle has a fuck bench in a dark public play area. I have been fucked on it several times, the last time on the verge of letting what I am about to describe happen. Indeed, if there had been more willing participants that night, I might have already crossed that line. But so far, either I have kept myself in check or there have not been enough tops willing to push me across the line. As for this fuck bench, it is like any leather upholstered fuck bench. It is in the shape of a picnic table, only small enough for a single bottom guy to lay on it face down, ass up and accessible to any and all that might want to take some ass for their own selfish needs. I have also been fucked on a bench like this in Berkeley and Chicago. It is one of my favorite ways to take on some cock.

This one in Seattle though? It has restraints. A strap for each leg and one for each arm. The imagination runs wild at the sight of these straps. I have laid awake some nights imagining how the whole thing might unfold. Perhaps a fuck buddy of mine on Barebackrt.com hits me up and asks me to meet him at Steamworks. I would oblige. This time, though, he would instruct me to get a locker, strip down to nothing, leave my towel in my locker, and meet him in his room. I, of course, would follow directions to a tee. When I get into his room he would take my locker key and put it in his own in room locker for safe keeping. This would put me at his mercy, no doubt. If I want to leave with my clothes on I would have to comply with whatever he has in mind.

My buddy would then bend me over the edge of his bed and, without closing the door to his room, he would smear some lube on my ass and his cock then slowly push inside me. He would pump my ass like that a bit, while others gather just outside his door to watch. In my fantasy he knows a couple of those watching and asks them to join in, but at the fuck bench. He would tell me to stand up and follow him.


As we walk toward the darkened play area, I follow him, and his friends follow close behind me, almost as if they are going to make sure I go where they want me to go. I am amazed to find that other guys my friend knows are also waiting at the bench. They gently, but very firmly, take me by my arms and get me on the bench and strap me to it. They do this quickly without giving me so much as a chance to verbally object. A good sized jar of Elbow Grease and a bottle of Wet appear out of nowhere and my ass is promptly lubed up. With my buddy and his friends, there are now six guys standing around me, all of them stroking rather large cocks and playing with my ass while a couple are shoving their cocks in my face for me to suck.

One of them gets behind me and starts humping my crack with his rigid dick. I try to look back to see who it is and immediately someone pulls a bandana out and puts it on me like a blindfold. I am now strapped down and in the dark as I feel the first cock make its way inside my ass. The guy is large and has no mercy at all. I have no choice but to take what he gives and make the best of it. When he cums he does so loudly and I make mental note of number one.

One, two, three, four, five, six... I feel quite messy but it gets easier to handle. At eight we finally double my meager record of just four loads. I have shared with my friend my fantasy to double my single evening load count, but he apparently has no plans to let me up just yet. On to nine, ten, eleven, then twelve. I wonder if I am done, but it appears not. My buddy keeps me here until I get to fourteen, then I hear him take the reins. He loves to fuck a sloppy hole, and now he certainly has one. I recognize his voice and the way he fucks, but it does not take him long before he shoots. He normally has massive loads, but tonight I perceive that he cums way more than normal. He slumps down on my back and tells me that he really liked this scene a lot. I am almost speechless, but manage to tell him thank you.

He climbs off and I think I am about to be set free, but apparently a few more guys are now in line waiting. I have no control, and take what I am given. I am no longer counting, as number 15 was the best load ever! Later he tells me we got to 21 and that I should remember that for future reference...


Like I said at the start of this piece, this has not yet happened. It is a vision of what may happen to push me to my next fascination. My unavoidable predicament. While the fantasy is based in Seattle, I am currently living in San Francisco. Either place will work as long as I have no control. Are you somewhere and able to make this happen? Are you that 'buddy' that ties me down with your friends to push me beyond my safety zone? A good night to achieve this might be a CumUnion Party, in any city where they take place. If you're game, find me on Barebackrt.com and push me along... (BBVers94102)


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