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[Sperm Pig] Bad Luck/Sex


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Recently I’ve been having a real run of bad luck when it comes to sex. First off, I can’t seem to *find* any— I hit up lots of guys and they either flake or I just get no takers. And then the sex I have gotten had been… Bad.

Or just not very fulfilling.

I am just coming off a three week dry spell, which was sort of broken this past Sunday by a daddy top. Or at least he called himself a top.

He came over, we made out and I sucked him, all the while he talked a good game about fucking me and cumming in my ass.

When it came time to fuck, he wanted to do it on my couch so we could watch porn. And then my porn wasn’t good enough— did I maybe have a different video we could watch?

And then when we did finally fuck, it was me on my back on the couch, and him sitting upright, one foot on the floor, and sort of working to push his semi-hard cock into me.

He tried to make a go of it, but him just sitting there, snorting poppers, watching porn, and sort of jiggling his pelvis a bit wasn’t really doing it for either of us. He couldn’t stay hard and kept slipping out.

So I eventually called it. Thanks for playing. He actually looked surprised when I said we were done and asked me if I was going to cum?

Um, since you can’t fuck me as promised— no. No I’m not.

And then last night I was all set for some great sex with my stoner bud. We were going to smoke some, have a few beers, then fuck like bunnies.

Well, first he’s an hour late getting to my place. Lots of excuses. Then we need to drink some. And we take a puff or two. And then while we’re waiting for the effects to kick in, he wants to play cribbage.

We’ve played before so I think “Sure, why not ? If it gets me fucked….” So we play, and I win.

Which puts him in a foul mood. He’s a sore loser and now we have to play another game so he can redeem himself. So we drink some more and smoke a bit more and play another game.

And I start winning again. And he’s upset and keeps making comments about how he likes it so much better when he wins and how it will put him in a topping mood and I think “Ohmigod, I’m not getting fucked until he wins”. So I start playing bad on purpose.

But fuck if I don’t keep getting big hands and great cuts and I can NOT lose for trying.

I won the second game and now it’s like 9:15 pm and we still haven’t done ANYTHING sexual. I do finally coax him to the bedroom, but he seems not into it.

We fuck and it’s ok. I mean, I suck him, he rims me, and all that feels good, and then he slips inside me and starts sawing away. It feels decent and I’m doing poppers and trying to work my ass for him, but he just isn’t getting there. In fact, I can tell he isn’t even at full hardness.

I get the impression he’s disinterested and just “going through the motions”. And this realization has an instantly sobering effect on me.

So we stop and take a mini-break. At which point I wonder if this is it, and he’s going to leave and I’ll be left empty— again.

But he is bound and determined it seems to give me the load he’s promised. So I suck him again, he eats my ass out again (which finally gets him hard) and then he shoves back in me.

Ten minutes later he’s finally busting his prodigious nut in my guts and all I can think is “about goddamn time.” I milked it all out and made him fuck it as deep as he could.

He doesn’t hang around much longer and when he leaves I realize that I didn’t even cum. And I don’t even really care.

To continue my bad luck streak: I had a bud on the line who wanted to fuck my cum sloppy hole after stoner finished with me. He was so hot for it and he’s always good for a deep, hard, fast fuck.

But because stoner took so long to finish, my bud couldn’t make it over afterward to donate his to the mix.

So again, I found myself S.O.L.

This trend had got to change soon; I’m going crazy here! I have a play date lined up for Saturday, but now I’m scared that it’s gonna suck too.


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