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[BikeGuy13] Instant Message - pt 1


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Yes, a story in two parts.

There are good and bad things about some of these on-line hook-up sites (Scruff, Mister, A4A, etc). Instant success or instant failure. Or you see they read your message and never even have the guts to acknowledge you.

Or, you have the manic guys who message you 100 times. Are they manic? ADHD? Too much meth? It's a crap-shoot.

A few days ago, I got a message from a very attractive 26 year old ginger. ....at 06:45a.

Mind you, I was awake, but barely. He could easily see I was 18 miles away, and at the beginning of rush hour. But could I come to this hotel NOW. And not just come now, but be there NOW.

Dude, best case scenario if I was walking out the door it'd be 25 minutes. But that wasn't working for him. Maybe we could do it later in the day when he woke up. Oh - and he said I had to be squeaky clean (inside) or he'd sent me away.

So he wanted me at 6:45a, and expected me to be running clear that time of the morning? Dream on, pal! And that going to bed at this time made me think he was a meth head. But when he said he just checked in and was checking out at 5:00p, and he was close to the airport, I figured he was a flight attendant.

However, I was intrigued.

A. He was kind of demanding and self-assured for a 26 year old. and

B. for as many guys as I've slept with (and there have been plenty, I don't recall one ginger or red head.

I know!


So, I was in and we agreed on 2:30p. But lo and behold at 12:30 he texts me (as I was finishing sucking off GDD) and tells me he's ready NOW. Ugh.

I left within 15 minutes and told him I'd be there at 1:30. Every five minutes I'd get another text - when will you be here? how much longer? It's still 1:30, dude - laws of distance and physics still apply.

He texts me his room number and that the door is unlocked. He said to strip when I came in and come suck his cock.

I opened the door to pitch black. I bolted and chained the door for no surprises of anyone else he might have around. I stripped and walked over. His dick was soft but nice. His pic showed a respectable 7.5"


and thick.

It grew in my mouth and that's all he wanted it to do, though he aggressively held my head in place and pushed me down. I think he'd have liked to choke me on it, but hell, I know what I'm doing.

Yet, the sucking was all of two minutes of foreplay. He pulled me up and pushed me onto the bed. "Get on all fours". I barely had time to hit the poppers before he pushed his cock head into my ass. It was only seconds later he was buried balls deep.

It felt fucking great.

I kept thinking, for 26, he fucks like a pro and for 26, he is a natural dominant person. Granted, at that age, I knew I like to take well more than give, but fuck - he was all business.

He fucked hard for about 7-8 minutes and pulled out. While he said he wanted me on my back, as I started to go there, he goes, "oh no......." and pulled me over to his dick. I knew the score. It was to go in my mouth - right from my ass.

I took it. I took him to the fucking root and used my tongue on his shaft for him to know I was ok with ass-to-mouth.

He pushed me off and back, lifted my legs and without ceremony plunged into my ass down to his short hairs. We fucked like that for another five or so. Then there was another pull out,then another ass-to-mouth session.

Get on your knees again. I did, but this time he buried my head in his pillows....and then SLAM - his dick was in me again. Pumping. Pumping. Pumping.

I was just a hole on his layover. A place for him to find some pleasure and relief before getting on another flight.

All the pumping sent him over the edge. He unleashed with fury, if the pulses I could feel were of any indication. Or the grunts he made that anyone passing in the hall would know exactly why they were being made.

When he was empty, he lay on top of me for a minute, while I probably whimpered my thanks. Then he pulled out.

BTW - why is it always a much different feel when a guy pulls out after cumming than he does while still fucking and changing position?

After the 'plop' of the pull out, he remained a top of me. He was talking dirty while my head was still in the pillows. He said, he wanted to suck a load out of him, so I would be forced to taste him on my the rest of the day.

As he made this talk, he kept sawing his cock up and down the length of my ass crack. He'd talk and talk, and rub and rub. About five minutes into this he asked if I wanted another load.

Of course I did! But with all his talk of making me swallow it, I assumed I would be going to my knees to drink it. However, after I said, "yes, I'd love another load", he plunged his cock into me and shot a second round.


This time it was pulled out completely and in haste. He got off me and stood, waiting for my exit.

Normally, I would just go, but considering some earlier attention to detail, I dropped to my knees and cleaned off his cock again - straight from my hole.

After a minute, he pushed me away. "I need some sleep", he said, plopped down on the bed.

He may as well have just said, "Get the fuck out, now!". Which I did. I dressed in the dark, not even tying my boots, opened and closed the door.

By the time I reached the lobby, I had another message from a nearby man in need.


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I sat in the lobby to read the message that had come through - and to see who else might be 'near by', since I was in the exit of a billion airport hotels. SOMETHING had to be around.

As it turns out, there were a few around, but mostly not in a room. ...except the one who had messaged me.

Again - another one where I'm thinking, 'I'm flattered, but why me?'

31. maybe 5'10", 180. ...and in military dress. No military drag - like a costume party. This guy was the real thing. As it would turn out, he was a Marine.



But he wanted a blowjob and well, I wanted to give him one.

His hotel was less than half a mile away, and I found it and his room with no problem. Like the ginger, he left his door unlocked for me to walk in. Like the ginger he was on his bed, naked.

Unlike the ginger, the lights were on and the blinds cracked. No one could see a thing if they were wide open, but hey what can you do? And the TV was blasting ESPN, no one was going to hear anything other than yesterday's college basketball scores if they were outside the door trying to eavesdrop.

I take off my shoes and that is it. I walk over to the side of the bed, drop to my knees and take his cock in my hand and admire it. It is a good 7". It has heft to it - it's dense. The shaft is thick. The head is beautiful and big. It's a shame he only wants head.

But it's his gig and I'm there to serve, not direct.

For a few minutes we were perpendicular. with me really worshipping this cock. It was superb. It filled my mouth just right. But the angle was wrong - even though he didn't know it.

I had him turn and lay down so his legs were hanging over the bed and I was between them. From this angle I was able to work some oral magic. And this boy did think it was magic.

Mind you, I've had plenty of experience performing fellatio on men, so I've picked up a few tricks that normally (not always) make a guy quiver and now and again they can't help verbalizing what they're feeling.

This was one of those men.

Since these techniques are patent pending, I'll save them for when they are protected. :@) Sorry.

I love that this tough Marine was thrashing around on the bed in the throes of ecstasy. Swearing, laughing, shortness of breath - all at the same time. He was digging my blowjob.

Several times, either through his verbal warning, or his pulsating cock, I knew he was close. I totally backed off.

There are times you just want to finish the blowjob and there are times you want it to last forever. This was one of the latter. He had such a great cock - a perfect dick, even - that I wasn't ready for this to be over.

I went down and licked his sac. His full sac. Nice set of nuts on the soldier. But I went further south. And then further still.

While it is possible this boy had been fucked in the past, it had been a rare rare instance. He wasn't the type of guy to shy away from a tongue in his ass, so maybe he had that before, or maybe he didn't know what was coming. He loved it. But the boy was so tight, it is doubtful he'd ever been entered with anything but a tongue.

I was going back up to his dick and he asked if I wanted the load. I assured him that I most certainly did. He asked me where I wanted it and I said anyplace he desired.

Of course, since this was an oral visit, I assumed that meant the mouth or on the face - I needed him to be comfortable with the choice.

"How about up your ass?"

I stopped sucking for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably 10 seconds. "Sure - if that's what you want.", I replied hoping he was really meaning it and not trying to tip my hand.

"How'd you like to get fucked by Marine cock?", he growled.

I swear, if words alone could get me off without the sense of touch, those would have been eight words to do it.

My clothes were still on - and I didn't want time to change things. I unbuckled my pants, dropped them around my ankles and kneeled on the side of his bed. With only my spit and a little of his - he pushed into my hole.

Mind you - I thought I was equipped to take his dick easily. But that head. That fucking big head made me feel every fiber of nerve in my ass. In a good way.

He just sunk down, making sure every inch disappeared. I would say he was 80% in when it started to taper to a narrower base making that last push so delightful. My ass just melted around his shaft, grabbing onto every inch of that cock.

The Marine took four or five deep strokes and stopped. "Is there already a load in there?" he queried.

I hesitated on how to answer. On one hand he could be turned on. On the other, he could think I was a fucking slut who was letting anyone put it to me. I took the risk.


To be honest, no one has ever gone in and said they felt another load. I wasn't sure if it was an urban myth or not. I guess it's a real thing.

He paused only for a second. "Awesome" and started pumping harder.

Now the dude was near the edge when I was sucking him and I didn't expect him to last long here. He lasted longer than I thought, but not by a great amount. Maybe 7-8 minutes and he was adding a third load to my fucking ass.

Grunts. Groans. Swearing. Just like you'd think a military man might do.

Again, I asked him to keep that cock up me not only because I liked the feeling of his thick shaft filling me up, but I didn't want that big head to pull out the load with it.

Eventually he slipped out, as they all do.

He went to grab a towel, but didn't expect me to drop to my knees to clean him off.


You can see the beauty of the shaft and head. And that was mean licking him clean - right from my ass. He stood and watched, smiling.

I stood up and pulled up my 501s. He was still all smiles and just said - "fuck man, I still can't get over whatever you were doing with your mouth - that was fucking awesome".

I think it's fair to say - this is the best way to support the troops.


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