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[Hot Pigg] Really Guys?!! Really!!!


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Guys, I need to vent with some of you.

One - I have been ill a lot recently and have chosen to try to think of my health first over being fucked. I am allowed this. Don't get pissy with me b/c two weeks ago I was sick and I tell you I'm still sick now, bc I AM. It's spring. I have seasonal allergies that with my house in Virginia is more difficult to get over. Deal guys. There is more ass out there to fuck so don't go ripping into mine b/c you're not going to get it when you ask. I get online b/c of boredom and I'm honest from the get go that I'm not looking.

Two - Y'all are some rude motha fuckers when it comes to respect for peoples jobs. You want to pay my bills so you can fuck me all day, fine. Until then, fuck off I have work and like most people I only have two days off. I'm retail so when Hell freezes over, those days off will be together. I fuck on my work schedule not yours.

Three - Why the fuck do you think that 5:34am on a Tuesday is an appropriate time to just pick up the phone and call for a hookup? You do that I delete you. That simple. This week three of you thought that that was ok. Now all three of you are in my phone as "Asshole Do Not Answer." I have gotten barely any sleep b/c my grandfather is dying and last I need is you're Tina'd ass calling me at the break of dawn horny and most likely unable to even get hard.

Four - Yes I have a blog. Yes I'm glad you like it. NO that doesn't mean you get to fuck me. Yes I have the right to say no. NO I'm not going to change my mind no matter you messaging me every time I sign on. NO I'm not going to change my mind when you create another screen name after I had to block your other one bc you would not listen to me. No I'm not going to change my mind when you hire an escort to ask me to join you two.

I'm respectful to you guys, stop the drugs long enough to see the assholes y'all are being and wake the fuck up.

Till next load if I choose to continue this...



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