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[Hot Pigg] Guys that won't get to Date/Fuck me


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Granted I am tipsy as I write this so I may come back and edit when I am sober.

1. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PICS POSTED OR DON'T SEND ANY PICS. Don't make me ask for them. Really, just send them and more than one. I know how to copy from the internet just as anyone else can. Send pics that look real and not set up and more than one of them so I really can at least think you're real.

2. SPEAK ENGLISH. Really guys, sending me an email or message all in Spanish is going to get you no where.

3. BE RESPECTFUL. I love being a pig. Don't address me as one until I get to know you. Look to a previous post. I give examples of first messages that won't get responses.

4. DON'T BE OVERWEIGHT. I'm not into muscle for dating b/c I always feel they will leave me for muscle. I'm not muscle. I don't like guys tho that need to look over their belly to tell if they are hard. Be slim and able to see your dick without leaning over.

5. IF YOU ARE OLD, YOU MAY HAVE A HARDER TIME. I don't limit by age unless you are younger than me. I promised myself not to date younger as a new years resolution. If you are older ( 38+), it's a per person basis. I try to keep to 30-35 but you never know. Just don't expect anything or get your hopes up.

6. RACES I HAVEN'T FOUND INTEREST IN. I'm not racist. I have been out and sleeping with guys for ten years. These are the races I am most likely not going to be attracted to. Again this is a case by case basis but usually not attracted to. Indian(Asian or Native), Arabic (Any country therein), Canadian, Short no wasted Latin, Nigerian, Etheopian, Asian depending on individual, Irish most but not all, Northern African.

7. GUYS WITH NO JOBS. Do I really need to explain this?

8. GUYS WITH NO GOALS. I don't want a McDonald's cashier that's not aiming for something higher. BTW, I am a snob when coming to jobs. If you have a trashy job and you are just there for a fuck, don't tell me you're job. I will get turned off and not want to fuck with you. Keep it to yourself if you want to breed me.


10. GUYS THAT WANT TO CONTROL. I am independent. I speak my mind and I usually think I'm right. I can be submissive but only in the bedroom. Don't tell me what to do with my money, who to talk to, when to be home, who I can fuck, etc. I am an adult and have done just fine without you up until this point. For fucking, I definitely don't mind being your submissive bitch. Dating tho is a different story.

11. REALIZE IF YOU HAVE TINA DICK BEFORE CONTACTING ME. What is it with spring? Three times in the past month I have gone to guys houses that end up pushing a soft dick into me for 30 minutes before I give up and go home. There's a reason you haven't read any sex posts recently other than me being sick. I had a day with five guys recently where I spent the whole day getting fucked by Tina dick. No cum. Really, do you want to hear about that. Not that exciting if I don't get cum in me.

12. I DON'T PAY FOR SEX. Hustlers keep contacting me and hitting me up at the booths. I get it. I'm hot and it's easier to fuck hot guys. With that said, I don't need to pay you. Not going to do it for fun either.

I am sure I come across as a complete bitch at this point and I promise a sex post as soon as one that I feel is worth telling comes along. Twigga come to my rescue.

Till next load...



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