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[iBLASTinside] Q&A: What Makes You a Geek?


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Q. You have declared today Gay Geek Pride Day. What makes you a geek?

A. The top ten things that make me a geek (in no particular order)...

1. I absolutely love gadgets. There are times you can find me sitting at home, laptop in my lap, iPad by my side, iPhone within reach, Blackberry at the ready and a TiVo remote in my hand.

2. I sucked at sports. Growing up in the South, my choices were limited but I did try every single one available to me including football, baseball, soccer, track, cross country, tennis and wrestling. I failed miserably at each. I wanted a letter so desperately in high school that I finally turned to managing a sport in order to receive one.


3. I can hack it. Literally. (If you have to ask, you're not a geek.)

4. I know what a gopher site is. (Again, if you have to ask...)

5. I was there when Al Gore invented it. Okay, so Al really didn't invent it. But I lived in Washington, D.C., when the rise of the Internet occurred. I dialed up and accessed it on a 1200-baud modem.

6. I check more than a dozen email addresses every hour of everyday. Not kidding. Not joking. More than 12. It's actually down. I got rid of several.

7. I text, therefore I am. There are times I'd rather type than talk.

8. The list is long. Not only do I understand, I do the following: Blog, vlog, MOG, microblog, friend, follow, deface, unfollow, Google, Bing, ping, trace, download, upload, update, connect, ban, hide, sidebar, link, wink, wiki, text, tweet, retweet and many, many more things....

9. When CSI (or any other TV show or movie) gets tech stuff obviously wrong, it pisses me off. Look, you can't "enhance" a crappy photo from a crappy camera so you can see the details of a scribbled note in a pocket in a reflection. That shit ain't happening. If the IP address is impossible numbers, my blood boils. I know it's fiction but come on, people, let's make it a little realistic.

10. Did you notice my glasses? 'Nuff said.

How do I know I'm a gay geek?

Cum leaking out of your ass might be a clue.1427209257094239631-6623009549486839209?l=iblastinside.blogspot.com


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