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[Breeder] Memorial Day Questions: Scruffy vs. Mikey Smackdown Edition


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Happy lazy day off, to those of you who have it! And my sympathies, to those of you who don't. I'll be back to some more normal posts tomorrow. For today, I'll try to catch up with more formspring.me questions you guys have been asking over the past couple of weeks. As always, keep asking your questions. If I haven't addressed them before, I'll answer!

I enjoy your blog. What are your BBRT and adam4adam profile names please?

Thanks! My BBRT and A4A handles are both the same: top48067.

When was the last time you got someone as young as the guy in the woods?

About two months, maybe? Perhaps slightly more.

Are you attracted to feminine bottoms?

I absolutely can be, yes.

What is your definition of "feminine bottoms"? I define it as a guy with child-bearing ergo feminine hips. Does your definition agree with mine?

I suppose that's one definition, but I think it could apply to number of other characteristics as well--effeminate mannerisms, long hair, a girlish appearance. Some men are offended by these things. I think masculinity has a spectrum of expression.

What made you into a top?

When I was in my early twenties, I met a man who lay on his back and pulled me into him. It was the first time I'd really topped a hole on my own, and I liked it so much I've been doing it ever since.

Would you ever set up, or have someone set up, a gang bang for a visitor (like me) so that a fantasy can be fulfilled? I'd love to see how many loads I can take and hold.

I don't set up gangbangs for guys I haven't met. The simple reason is that until I've played with a guy I really have no way to judge how much fucking he can take--and I've run across a lot of guys who talk an infinitely bigger game than they can actually play.

If I invite two or three or four guys over to fuck a bottom, I want to be reasonably sure he's going to be able to take four or five or six or more fucks, and that he's going to be reasonably pleasant to get along with, and that he's going to look like his photos. I can't judge any of that until I meet a guy in the flesh.

Have you ever had sex with someone that was so intense it made you re-think your personal life?

Yes. Indeed I have.

How do you adjust to being so devilishly charming in q&a here besides gorgeous?

Oh, I don't know about devilishly charming. I'm pretty down to earth, and I know myself well. I admit to my faults and tend to downplay my strengths. I suspect I just seem pretty approachable by some. Thank you though.

Do you ever go naked in your own backyard? Do you ever make lcve in your own backyard?

I have been naked on my back deck, with the hot tub. I've had sex there, too. Does that count?

Do you only answer sex related questions?

Nope. I've answered a lot of different kinds of questions. Heck, I answered one on secular humanism.

I'm prone to deleting a few questions that have been mass-posted and not of any relevance to me, and those that touch on my relationship, or which I feel are inappropriate in any forum. Otherwise I'll answer what's asked.

How did you come to love sex so much in your youth? Did you ever feel attracted to the men you met or did you just like the feeling of oral and anal sex?

Very often I was attracted to the men that I was doing in my youth--older men with handsome faces would always get my full attention, and I also had a thing for the scruffy rednecks.

Some of the guys I'd do, especially under restroom stalls or through gloryholes, I never really saw.

And there were guys that I didn't find attractive, but allowed to do me anyway. It made me feel dirtier to let them in me.

Who are the most important influences on your prose style?

Interesting question. I get my long-windedness from the Victorian authors I studied in grad school. My dry humor is straight out of Patrick Dennis. And as for my sex writing . . . I might cite John Rechy as an early inflence, since I read his "The Sexual Outlaw" at the tender age of 13 or 14.

How am I going to meet a guy with some really tricked out playroom?

I suggest advertising, either on Craigslist or a specialty site like asspig.com or bnskin.com. Then be very nice to the guy so you can maintain the friendship and get invited over again.

It's all about the networking.

Have you ever let Scruffy top you?

Nope. Nor has he asked.

Would you let Scruffy top you if he requested permission to do so?

It's not a permission thing. He'd have to make me genuinely want it from him. We seem to enjoy our relationship as it is, so far.

How did you & Scruffy meet?

He messaged me on Manhunt. I thought he was cute as hell, told him so, and thirty minutes later he was naked and in my bed.

Does doing a guy in a sling make it easier to really pump a guy than on a bed?

Not necessarily, particularly if the sling isn't adjusted well. However, a sling can give a top easy access to a hole, and if you like fucking while standing up, it's a great experience.

You made mention in face down that Mikey has tried to fuck you with apparently little success. Given how close and trusting you must be with one another .... any thoughts?

Yes, I have a difficult time taking Mikey. He has a sideways curve to his dick that I find difficult to negotiate these days. Added to a general resistance to getting fucked, it's not pleasant for me, and I'm sure it's not what he wants, either.

Have you ever had sex with Mikey's partner?


Will you be sharing how you and Mikey came about knowing one another? Who approached whom?

I've never written about it. I am uncertain whether I could or should.

It was pretty much a mutual thing. I was acting out and started a silly sex dare. He simply carried it through to its natural conclusion.

Is Mikey's dick as big as yours?

I say no, but you decide. I'm on the bottom of this shot, from earlier this year:




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