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[Gruntraq] Motocross Gear Is The Devil


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It’s all in the presentation. Whether gay or straight, men instinctively want to look like studs. You see this everywhere where men dominate a bullring. Bodybuilding, Cowboys, Fighting and Boxing, Football, and Motorcycles they all dress and adorn themselves to be the biggest baddest looking one of all. They would say it is to attract women, but it is also a competitive chemical driven instinct to rise to the top of the breed. We cant help it.

gear2.jpgWhat makes me blab about this you ask? My young fuck buddy and I spent the day riding my Honda quads today at an all terrain vehicle park where hundreds of motocross and off road vehicle enthusiasts gather every weekend. After hours of pointing a lot of hot looking dudes out to each other today I began thinking about the downright bone inducing gear a lot of guys were wearing. Fuck man.

gearboot.jpegOf course this is one of the things that has always attracted me to the pastime I have to admit. For a great deal of reasons the sport and hobby of motocross just seems to attract a certain brand of men - the kind that make my dick fill with blood. They are of the kind that flick on all my sex switches and light me up. Most of them are rough, wild and hot whether in their suits or not. Most are straight too, but that is beside the point. When they then dress up like Star Wars storm troopers it just adds to the heavy breathing, hair on my neck raising electron storm in my brain.

While it’s all I can do to afford my quads, their gas, the trailer to haul them and the truck to pull it, many of the off-road hobbyists out there are all geared up with some very expensive and sexy looking duds. I make do with my work boots, blue jeans, a T-shirt and a helmet. I have a spare helmet for anyone who’s with me. But I have to say I get wooded up pretty easily checking out some of the dudes dressed in full leather race suits and boots.

gearaction.jpgLooking at some of the online catalogs for gear tonight and the prices for the stuff. Fuck. One thing is for sure, whomever designs this stuff knows the male form and is making a point to accentuate it with padding, shields, and graphics. Some of the suits have molded plastic outer shells that make a guy look like a comic book super hero. Add mud to that and BOOOIINNG. I start to imagine a couple of these guys getting down with each other dressed in all the gear as shown to the left. Nice vision huh? I’m almost thinking of gearing up just to have sex while wearing it.

My FB and I were talking about this on the way back home tonight and we both got hard and horny in the truck just recalling some of the guys we had seen. He got sprung a couple times today too out at the park. When we got back to my place we had to get off. Smelling like a couple of guys who had been riding all day we got hot and hard just getting close and touching each other. After a few minutes of going back and forth sucking each other’s grungy cocks on my couch we went to my bedroom and peeled our boots and clothes off.

gearscott.jpgWe just laid on my bed sucking and jacking each other with a little bit of kissing thrown in until I was ready to cum. I told him and he took me in to blow off in his mouth. After swallowing my healthy dose of man seed he laid back and jacked off while I finger fucked his ripe stink hole. When he came I licked his warm juice up and cleaned off his plug like the pig I am.

I suggested we take a shower together and clean up but he wanted to get on his way back home. I stayed naked and watched him get dressed. As I was seeing him out we did a quick goodbye kiss. That was a new one. As I walked to the shower I smelled my fingers that had been in his ass and got hard again.620619944028412509-7304911096962894462?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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