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[Gruntraq] People Are Funny As Shit


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People are just funny and I include myself in that. I am a dirty filth pig in ways that most people would find completely unfathomable and disgusting. You know when you meet someone out there in the world and the subject comes up, “Oh your gay huh? That's cool, I respect that”. Seems to be the popular refrain in today’s increasingly PC society. What they are actually thinking, who knows or cares.

But what most people uninitiated in the wilds of gay pleasures, kinks and fetishes never really think about is what actually happens in the bedrooms they claim to not care about what goes on in. One time years ago, a guy I worked with on the construction site asked, “So what do you do with other guys?” I almost wanted to say the truth. “I sniff their armpits, their sweaty clothes. I lick their hairy asshole and then fuck it until I fill him with my cum. Then I love to lick it up and suck it out. Then we kiss and slurp it together until we swallow it all down. Sometimes I like getting breeded by 3-4 dudes and licking their cocks clean afterwards.” I then could go on and tell him about the head rush of getting fist-fucked.

breed.jpgBut then the scene in a few good men comes to mind with Jack Nicholson where he cringes in disgust and says, “You want the truth? You can handle the truth.” So in answer to the question of my studly construction mate I simply answered, “We do pretty much the same stuff you do with women”. That was as much as he wanted to know, and he didn’t ask any more detail. It was enough visual for him.

Yet a blog like this, on twitter, porn forums, and among other gay guys you can be as dirty as you want to be and nobody lifts a brow. If anything the dirtier you are, the more friends you make. It's all in how you think. It's all in how you look at it and from what side of the fence. My younger brother who has been staying with me for the last couple weeks has made be contemplate the whole thing to the point of insanity.

He knows I’m gay and twisted. Though he and I had a lot of sex together when we were younger he ultimately chose a hetero lifestyle. Over ten years of that has narrowed his mind. He forgot all about those old days and boasts about his heteroness, at least until a few days ago. Now that he is splitting up with his wife and shacking up with me, he is getting an education again.

After keeping it toned down for the first week and going nuts, I finally told him that I had to live in my own place and if he had a problem with it, leave. That night I had my FB come over and had some quality time. The next night, my young buck came over. The two of us and my brother got shit-faced together watching TV. My FB then stayed the night so we could fuck and suck till we dropped. My brother got to hear all of our noise and deal with it. Then Saturday the three of us spent the day riding the quads and had a great time together. Glad to say it hasn’t been “weird” at all.

My brother is cool and of course he should be, he has sucked my cock before. But he is still hung up on his hang ups. He still considers himself a heterosexual guy who is married until he is divorced. He proclaimed as much on Saturday nite when we were all plowed and my FB and I were kissing on the couch across the room from him. He said he’s never cheated and doesn’t plan to as long as they have a chance at getting back together. I totally respect that. And in that moment I immediately turned off the wicked train in my brain that has been barreling toward getting in his pants since he got here. But in his buzzdom he teased, “But if we get a divorced I’m gonna become a slut.”

My FB and I both looked at each other and grinned.620619944028412509-8421333720159432441?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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