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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Equal Opportunity Edition


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As is becoming my tradition, and so I can give my poor fingers a day of rest, today will be the one day of the week when I'll catch up on some of the questions you guys have been asking on formspring.me. I love most of your questions. It's always interesting to see in what areas people have a curiosity, and what little bits of information I leave out because I've taken for granted.

Would you marry me? Could we have a monogamous relationship? Would you satisy my sexual needs, wants and desires?

Would you consider a non-monogamous relationship? And could you satisfy my sexual needs? Those are equally important questions.

Whoever the faggot was that asked you to marry him, forget his ass. Marry me. You can fuck as many guys and girls as you want with me. Just come home to my bed and sleep with me in my arms. Fuck monogamy.

Now we're talking.

Think back on a time when you were having great sex with some sinfully beautiful boy. Did you ever have a moment where thought to yourself "Fuck! How the hell did I get here???" What do you tell yourself at that moment?

Yeah, sometimes I've wondered how I got to that moment. But to reflect on it is to distance oneself from the sex, and I don't like to do that. I appreciate the boy's beauty, and plunge right back into the action.

Staying in the moment, when it comes to sex, is the best way to be connected to your partner. Cleanse the mind of all other distractions, and just enjoy. That's one of my mottos.

What do you look at. if anything, when you’re masturbating alone?

Sometimes I enjoy watching porn, but usually I masturbate without any accompanying materials. I like to focus on what's at hand, so to speak. Also I get off looking at my dick.

What is the biggest age difference you've had with a guy (either when you were young, and with an older guy, or now with a younger guy)?

The largest was probably about five decades, when I was younger.

Are you able to self-suck?

I can, and in my teens I used to do it for spectators (usually paying spectators). However, I don't like to, don't get much pleasure from it, and much prefer someone else to do the sucking and save me from lower back pain.

How do black guys show up in your casual sex partner pool?

It's curious that a year ago this month, my three favorite regulars were all black men, but that none of the guys I've seen in the last three months have been black.

I love black men. All a guy has to do is get in touch with me, and be close enough, to meet.

How do you feel about chubs?

Weight is not an issue that decides with whom I sleep. I've had fun with some very big boys.

Do you recommend an 18 year old boy to be getting fucked by random, older men?

It would depend on the eighteen-year-old and his sexual maturity. Many are more than willing and hungry for random fucks. Some, however, are prudes, or inexperienced, or tempermentally unsuited. Hell, some forty-year-olds aren't ready to be fucked.

If a kid that age desires the fucking, he should be seeking the fucking.

Pick three people to have with you if you were locked in building over a weekend (Friday afternoon until Monday morning) and why.

I'd want someone pretty to look at, someone to cook for me, and someone who'd make me laugh. So I'd take David Annable for the pretty, Chris Santos for the cooking, and Neil Patrick Harris for the laughter.

Then I'd fuck 'em all weekend.

What's the longest period of time you've held on to a regular?

The longest regular I met as an adult and continued to see repeatedly, I saw for close to eleven years.

I can think of a couple of guys I've known for a decade or so.

Would you prefer to suck or be sucked?

I enjoy both. For long periods of time I tend to feel less guilty about sucking. I have difficulties shooting from a blow job alone, and if a guy sucks me for an extended period of time, I always feel very badly about not being able to guarantee a payload.

i tend to get off (i think) too quickly in a hot guy's ass chute. how do you keep going without nutting too early in a boy's nice warm wet ass hole? any tricks you'd like to pass along to this faithful reader and his friends here?

I have a young friend who wants to top more, but who has that exact same problem. The solution is practice. The more you fuck and become used to the sensations of a hole around your dick, the longer you'll last.

He's shy about asking guys to bear with him while he tries to go longer and longer, though, so he's been practicing with a Fleshlight, and holding it immobile while he fucks it as he would an ass. He tells me he's gone from lasting about thirty seconds to about five minutes.

I still haven't found anyone to share a Fleshlight with me, so I couldn't tell you if it feels like an ass or not.

How many hours per day do you spend on your blog? Writing, reading, answering comments?

I have a general rule that I try not to spend any more time writing about an encounter than it takes actually to have it. This doesn't mean that if I'm with a guy for three hours that I use three hours to write about it--and it also doesn't mean that a ten-minute restroom suck-off is only going to get a few sentences. But in general, it takes me about a half-hour to an hour to write an entry.

I try to write my entries a day in advance. Sometimes if I'm on a roll, I'll write a couple at a time and set them to publish later in the week, so that I have more time those days for actual work.

I don't take a lot of time with comments. I'm usually working on my laptop for a good portion of the day, so I just answer the comments as they dribble in.

Private email from readers takes longer than comments, but I have a couple of blocks of time during my workdays that I use to take care of all my email correspondence.

What's the longest dick you've ever sucked?

Eleven inches. It belonged to a latin guy who picked me up in a Waldenbooks, in my early twenties. He saw me cruising him, and then he took my hand and shoved it down the open fly of his jeans, right there in the travel books, and told me I was going home with him and that he was going to fuck both my holes.

And boy, did he.

I know it was eleven inches because at one point he pulled out a tape measure to prove it to me.

I'm convinced 3/4 of the CL posts are fake/pic collector/who knows. What's your advice for figuring out which are for real?

The guys who exchange more than a couple of emails, in my experience, are merely looking to get off at their computers.

The guys who want you to provide a detailed itinerary of what you intend to do with them, want to masturbate at their screens.

The men who want more of your photos, but provide none of their own, want to collect your pics and wank off with them.

The fellows who mention 'sometime' in their ad, like they want to get together 'sometime' or want to talk about meeting 'sometime,' will never, ever meet you.

The men of Craigslist who ignore your basic directions are going to be too stupid to find your address on Google Maps.

The man from Craigslist who sends you a photo and a description, then says in his email, "What's your address? I can be there in 20 minutes," is most like the man who is real.

But don't believe it until he appears at your door.

I'd love to have you breed me. You get me so hard!

Well, thank you very much. Come sit down here right next to me. Naked.12316001024335229-5946572968054396864?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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