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[Breeder] A Milestone + Bonus Porn


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Sometime overnight I passed a milestone: 100,000 unique readers have passed through the pages of this blog. World domination, here I come!

Admittedly, the concept of ‘unique visitors’ is perhaps misleading—though it does at least weed out all the page hits generated from the people who stumble on the site and go back through it looking for the dirty photos. And the measurement is a little imprecise, as I only installed my counter on April 5 of this year.

However you look at it, though, it’s still a buttload of people. Thanks everyone!

I look at a few things every morning when I check over my statistics page. One of them is the page of links people followed to get here, so I can get a heads-up on where I might have been mentioned, or of blog sites linking to me that I might want to visit. Sometimes I also look at the maps of from where people are visiting, so I can marvel at the fact I have fans in Tehran, Dubai, the Canary Islands, and Kuala Lampur. It’s my own agoraphobic version of The Amazing Race.

But the main source of entertainment, on those days I look at my statistics pages, come from the recent keyword activity tab. When someone does a search on Google or Bing and they happen to land on my page, it’ll record what the search was and let me know. Now, the vast majority of these searches are some variation on mrsteed bareback blog or breeders blog blogspot or something similar, from those who’ve read my journal in the past and have lost the address and want to find it again. I have one word of advice for you people: bookmark me, dammit.

My second-highest search term is mrgloryholejunkie. Guys, I miss him too. I loved his blog and his outlook on life, and thought he was a valuable commentator (and was pleased the couple of times he commented here). But no, I don’t know his new blog site, or why he drops out of view for extended periods of time.

Some of your search terms, however, have made me raise my eyebrows.

1) spongebob birthday party

To all the housewives searching Google for ideas of how to throw a festive natal celebration for your young tykes who stumbled onto my graphic description of two dads blowing loads of sperm in a pair of Spongebob Squarepants briefs, I heartily apologize.

2) pictures of spongebob sucking dick

To you sickos, I have no apologies.

3) “his swollen hole”

I hope you found what you wanted, here. I’ve left behind a lot of swollen holes.

4) wash off a penis

You wonder if the person typing in this search term was looking for instructions to wash his own (he didn’t know?), or was looking to cleanse someone else’s.

5) crusty feet

I am not exactly sure what entry I might have made that would generate a hit on this search term, but it gave me pause.

6) completely depraved tops who bang six loads in a row

Guilty as charged, I suppose.

7) I like your slavic nose gay blog backyard

The phrase is either oddly specific to one of my entries about my back yard neighbor, or else there are more people out there who have Ukrainians in the houses behind them.

8) fuck fuck fuck lingerie wearing chicks with dicks

In my blog? Really?

9) i let him fuck the ass of my 501 levis & he shot his semen against the denim

I wouldn’t have shot on the denim, personally.

10) justin beeber fanclub

I haven’t even written about that pocket-sized lesbian! Double-you tee eff, man!

Next up, a little more housekeeping. Two more readers sent gifts from my Amazon.com wish list, for which I'm undyingly grateful. The only difference between last week and Christmas is that last week I actually got gifts.



And finally, links to those Xtube Fleshjack videos with which I threatened everyone last week. For the life of me, I don't know why Xtube inverts half the videos I upload and posts them upside-down.

I’ve enjoyed writing for you guys. Many thanks for reading, everyone.12316001024335229-3437817192209059094?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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