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[Gruntraq] I Am My Brother's Keeper - Part 2


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Came this close to letting a young guy go at work today. Visualize me holding my hand up and pinching my fingers close. He’s a mid-twenties guy I hired straight out of the military last month. He served a couple tours in the war and got out. He came by one day spry and fresh looking for work. I didn’t need anyone and wasn’t gonna hire because we are slow in homebuilding right now. But after talking to the young buck in my office and learning about his service in the Army I felt the need to give the guy a place here. Against better business practice I hired him because of an emotional tug.

He has been and okay worker, but has had big problems showing up on time and being reliable to my field supers. I’ve talked to him a couple times about it and he has promised to improve. But today had decided to let him go and had him come by the office at quitting time. When I told him what I had called him in for he fell apart like a house of cards. He’s a tough strappin guy and carries himself confidently, but he just lost it. Again crossing the line of hard ass business practice I asked him what was the problem, really…what was the problem.

Long story short he is just having a lot of problems getting back into the fabric of civilian life after fighting a war. It breaks my heart to see this such that honestly it clouds my judgment. But I sat and talked with him for almost an hour about this and that. In the end I gave him another chance under the condition that we get together and talk one on one for 10 minutes each day. What about, I don’t know but he needs someone to talk to about whatever is keeping him from settling in and from what I gather, he doesn‘t have that now. I am not a licensed therapist, I have counseled a lot of friends in my life and felt the call in my gut to offer him at least a path forward here. It may work out, it may not. We will see. Maybe I’m a fool.

On the same wavelength, my young pup fuck buddy crossed into the world of coming out to his family in the past week. Last week it was his mom which was a disaster. But she hasn’t kicked him out of the house yet, though she is still cold. The biggest hurdle to him was telling his dad who lives back east. After his mother he was scared shitless to tell his dad. I convinced him that he had to do it in person and ultimately loaned him some money to fly back to NJ to see him last weekend. And in the best brightest point of my week he came home with perma-grin and a sense of joy that was somewhat new for him. He’s always happy and outgoing, but he was gushing with happiness and had that light in his eyes.

His dad as it turned out took it not only very well but showered him with praise for having the guts. Instead of grimacing his dad had the spine and compassion to simply tell him he was proud of him and hoped that he would be happy. Damn it made me tear up myself when he told me. As it turns out his dad confided to him that he already knew from “father’s intuition“. He even offered to let him move back there with he and his wife if he wanted or needed to. And I am thinking the young stud is considering that option pretty strongly. Whatever the case I am very proud of the young man and wished I had his self confidence and spine when I was his age.

Then there’s my younger brother who has taken to casual man to man sex like a horse to water. I made a pact with him the first week he moved in that as soon as he got a job and stopped sponging off my pocketbook, that I would be his sex slave for a week. Never make a deal like that when you are trashed. He got a job last Friday and starts next Monday. And I am honoring the deal. I have been sucking his thick hairy dick now 2-3 times a day and or taking his rough bull-fuck till he breeds me. I usually tend to lean top, but being my brother’s bitch this week has been kinda fun. He really does it well for a “straight gut”. I still have my young FB to dominate when I need to hammer a hole or get blown. And he’s been over here enough to keep me satisfied.

The good news is that the deal is up this weekend and I plan to breed him good. You see I have a special surprise in the works. He has requested that I wear a condom the few times I have fucked him because he doesn’t know whether I am disease free or not. That’s fair. He’s been married for 15 years and honestly it’s smart to be safe. I know I am clear and get tested usually every 3-months but he had nothing but my word. Well I got tested last week and have clear for take-off results in hand. Come this weekend I present the results and knock down his arguments. One way or the other I will be pushing my raw cock into his bitch hole all the way to blast off. Then I will show him the joys of getting his cum hole eaten, sucked and gnawed on till he cums himself. And, I might even get him to suck my dick till I come in his mouth - something he hasn’t quite had the stomach for yet. Lots of beer needed. Cant wait.620619944028412509-2079605402210962754?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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