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[Gruntraq] Sailor And The Sergeant 12


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And erotic work of fiction continued from Sailor And The Sergeant 11

Chad relaxed. Dave finally said, “Why don’t you take a rest for a few before we start on the next thing?” Chad looked at him, “The next thing?”. Dave held up his hand and made a fist and smiled. “Why am I doing this ?” Chad asked. Dave saying nothing, grabbed a few cold brews from the kitchen and handed one to Chad.

After a 30 minute get stoned and relaxed session, Chad heard the sound of Dave snapping rubber latex gloves on. “Okay cookie, time to get this on”. Chad was pretty buzzed for early in the day but was still a little nervous. Dave was an island of reassurance, telling Chad that he was going to guide him through the experience and promised it to be a highlight of his recent days. He had even given the Sailor a couple shots of bourbon to loosen him up a little even though he typically did not want his fisting partners to be drunk. Dave had done this many times, it was his specialty. Chad assumed his position on the bench and laid his head back on the padded board. Dave had the a vat of Crisco and scooped up a heaping handful and swabbed Chad’s puckering nest. He hadn’t bled much so far and was not too swollen, so it looked like he was pretty ready for the kill.

He started Chad up by lubing up his cock and playing with him a little, to get him turned on and relaxed some more, tabbing his PA and greasing up his balls. While he was doing that he began slowly probing his rosebud with his other hand one and two fingers, massaging the walls of his chute and tickling his prostate. He like to make a pleasure massage out of breaking his prey. Dave slowly and covertly over a 30 minute period had increased the amount of his fingers he was working into Chad. He was soft and workable, and not resisting too much, easy. Intermittently he inserted increasingly larger of the steel plugs to break up his hand work.

Dave finally got to the point where he was ready to move in. He repositioned himself so he could be closer to Chad while he dug into him. Leaning over him at times, he could even kiss him and put a little romance into it. He worked the ball of his hand into Chad and started to push his way in slowly, stopping when resistance met him and waiting for him to stretch. Chad was still pretty quiet at this point, beginning to sweat a little but was not crying out. Dave came at him in waves, pushing, stopping, pushing some more, stopping. Chad was beginning to wince when he would push. He felt a strong sense of pressure and a dull ache as his muscles started to give in to the moving hand in his ass. A veil of pain took him over that was unlike the metal probes, this was more deep and dull. He felt Dave’s knuckles, his joints sliding into him. Dave was finally almost into him completely with his fist when he said. “Okay take a deep slow breath and then let it out slowly.”

fing2.jpgAs Chad inhaled Dave kept the pressure on. When he began to exhale, Dave pushed in. With a single move he passed Chad’s ring. Chad did not yell out this time but seemed to be shaking and shivering. Dave leaned down over his face and Chad embraced him and held him tight. His fist was in him and Dave kissed him while he shuddered. He let that moment last for a bit and then pulled slowly out of him and then plunged back in, sending Chad into an oblivious roll of nervousness. Then he pulled out and back in again. He ladled more lube on his fist and loosened up the action, in and out slowly in and out. Chad was just rolling his eyes back in his skull and sweating like a pig, breathing erratically and shivering. He was on fire! His whole body was excreting some kind of adrenaline that was making him higher than shit. He wondered if he was in a state of shock.

Knowing how he felt, how his first time was, Dave took the occasion to give Chad a little extra. While he was kneading his chute with his fist, he began licking his cock up and down. It was limp as his body was focusing all it’s might elsewhere, but as he ran his tongue and worked his hand, Chad’s tool began to rise and flow. He bobbed and weaved until Chad could take no more, spurting his hot spentness all over his stomach. Dave took the opportunity to lick up this Sailor’s hot juice that his friend and roommate had been so hot for in the past couple weeks. Chad just laid there and sweat it out. Dave finally pulled his hand free of Chad’s new fist hole. “I’ll clean all this up, you go and take a warm bath, it’s make you feel better” Chad had never had a level of torture, pain, and pleasure like this before. Looking back at Dave he was almost speechless.

He finally took Dave’s advice and went to run a hot bath. As he was dipping into it, Dave came by and admired him from the hallway. “By the way I just wanted to tell you that Ritchie really worships you. I hope you know that”, Dave remarked. ”I have to head off and open up the Baron, see ya later”. Chad nodded to him and thought pensively about what Dave had said as he soaked into the hot water. He was recounting the whole experience that had brought him to this point, this place, where he was doing things and feeling things that he had never dared in his old world. It was an adventure, a mind boggling safari into a world that excited him and scared him at the same time. Somehow though, he felt that he had a trusted guide along side him in his Surfer.

Ritchie got back home about 3:00 in the afternoon and was pretty intent on getting on the road pretty fast. Traffic over the bridge could take longer than expected at times and they could not be late. He found Chad napping on the couch and admired his handsome mug. He had been letting his stubble grow out and it was sexy as hell. He just stood there and stared at him for a minute before he woke him up. “Dude, it' time to get ready to go”. Ritchie whispered in his ear. Chad opened his eyes and smiled. He sat stood up and gave Ritchie a big hug and kissed his neck. They locked eyes for a split moment and Chad blurted out, “I love you”.

Ritchie stumped briefly looked in this big stud of a man’s eye long enough to choke up and sprout some tears. “I love you too”. For the first time Ritchie had said the words to another man and really meant it. They embraced and silently sat together for a few moments not needing to say another word. But the clock was ticking. Ritchie broke the silence, “So how did your workout with Dave go?”. Chad nodded and just said “Unbelievable! I never every would have thought I'd have a guy's fist in me and live to tell about it”. Ritchie acknowledged it and patted the side of his face. “Well it is time to go to the temple of man and worship the Gods” Ritchie said, “Your adventure has only just begun”.

They both grabbed a few last things and were on the road.620619944028412509-8012021280359714073?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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