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[Gruntraq] Fight, Love, Live Mr. Martinez


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By the time your read this you will likely be well away from here. As I write this short note you are on your way over to my house for our send off party. I'm sure some of this will be told to you tonight but I wanted to put some of my thoughts to you in writing because in the haze of Jose Cuervo some things lose their importance.

Bottom line is that I have had a very special time with you in the last couple months. While you say the pleasure is all yours, you will understand down the road when you get to be my age what having a hot young stud like you around who is hungry to learn, share and grow does for a man's psyche. Your being around here has made me feel younger and needed - at least for a while. Who would have thunk us just getting introduced at a company party would lead to our escapades, our sharing, and ultimately our friendship.

Watching you go though the last month getting real with yourself and having the guts to put it out to your family truly amazed me. There are so many men, myself included who didn't or don't have that clarity of self at 24. Yeah it didn't go as planned with you mom. She'll come around. But your dad blew your mind with his love! And to that now you have a whole new opportunity ahead of you that I really believe is gonna be awesome. And I think you know that or you wouldn't have chose to take it.

Watching you jump off the cliff into a new life in NJ comes with some sadness but at the same time so much excitement for you that I can't put to words. I'm sure tonight we'll talk about that. So let me put a few important things down here to take with you...........


It's the creedo of a once wealthy man William Bourn who had a huge mansion south of San Francisco. "Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life."

Whatever you do out there follow those simple words and you can never go wrong. You are in control. You can choose that. Put meaning behind who you are and be willing to fall on your sword. Be as Lynrd Skynrd sings, a "simple man....something you love and understand". Yeah more of that redneck music shit again, but you know what I mean.

Don't take shit you don't need. Don't suffer fools. Don't be with people that aren't your friends. Find people to love and surround yourself with them. It ain't as hard as it sounds and you seem pretty good at it already.

Most of all and this makes me choke up, know you always got a Papi out in Cali who LOVES YOU. Be safe and don't be a stranger. ;)620619944028412509-8728005034619445529?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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