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[Defiant Barebacker]


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

On June 14th I started my meds. My CD4 count had dropped precipitously in recent weeks to 287. That makes it time... Crossing the line from med free to taking them daily has been the most dramatic thing about all of this. I did not want to do it. I did not want to put this stuff in my body. But, the math is simple, take the pills or be significantly ill before Christmas...

So, I started.

So far it is not causing major issues. I had a mild case of a rash within the first week, perhaps a very mild case of the runs, and a spell of dizziness after one particular pill. All of these side effects lasted the first 4-5 days and appear to have resolved themselves. Also, I have read more on these meds (Isentress and Truvada) and what I have found is that this combination is likely to be the most effective and least impactful from a side effect view (of course there are varying opinions on this).

So, next stop? My regular CD4 and viral load test on about July 14th. Of course, the hope is that the 2log drop in viral load my doctor says should normally occur actually does occur. If all goes as usually does for folks on these meds, I should be in undetectable territory by the time of my next test in mid-August.

As for my spirits? I feel better about where I am at now than I have in the last couple of months. The crisis of mind that my dropping CD4 count and ensuing med usage caused seems to have moved on. So much so, that I went to the Steamworks for the first time in months on June 19th. More on that in an upcoming post! I also appear set to do as I wish in July, so I have some ideas about where to prop my ass up in the coming weeks. I will be sure to post the details... ;-)5659550056261962395-1795328167292715909?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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