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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Sex Object Edition


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What a weird weekend it's been. The power's been off, thanks to storms, and then on again; then off and on a few times because of power line repairs since. My street seems to be the dividing line in the neighborhood between the haves and the have-nots. Every time my side of the street is without electricity, our neighbors across the street get it back. When mine returns, everyone opposite loses it. Can't we all just get along?

Luckily, I have juice at the moment, so I'll post some responses to questions at formspring.me while I can. I'm always looking for more questions, by the way--anything that you suspect hasn't been asked before, and isn't too invasive about my home life, I'll answer. And you can ask anonymously!

Have you ever tried without success to bottom to a guy whose cock was too big for your manpussy to accommodate?

Not when I was a bottom in my teens.

I've had a lot of unsuccessful attempts to bottom in my adulthood, but that's usually because they haven't been able to get my hole open at all, regardless of size.

Do you enjoy doing bondage stuff? whipping? choking?

I have restrained guys, but I don't own any restraint gear. I have never whipped anyone, and I wouldn't choke.

How and where do you like to jack off the most?

I enjoy jacking off in a bed, or a sofa, with the lights low and no pressures on my time or attention. I tend to stroke without lube, and progress from a gentle stroking to a chokehold on my dick. I shoot hard, but am not a distance shooter. Afterward I tend to eat the load if I'm by myself.

Did you get your hands on porn when you were a kid?

My father had a copy of the Playboy issue with the infamous Jimmy Carter interview in it. It contained a two-page Jockey briefs ad with which I used to masturbate. My parents also had a few sex manuals that I would use for sexual fodder. None of them had illustrations, though.

At the university library I used to read all the books about homosexuality on the shelves. A few of them were highly sexual; John Rechy's The Sexual Outlaw was chapters of erotica sandwiched between chapters of queer theory. I read them both. The book had a big influence on my developing psyche.

I never saw any outright pictoral porn until I was a senior in college, and didn't see any porn movies until I was 22 or 23.

How have your tastes and use of porn evolved over the years?

Interesting question. I think the first porn to which I was attracted was primarily written. I used to be fascinated in high school by the letters in the Penthouse forum section, because they featured real people having (what I then presumed was) real sex. Unfortunately, my father was not a Penthouse reader, so I'd only get to look at it when I'd visit the house of one of my friends whose dads subscribed to the magazine.

In college I found my first gay porn magazine on a restroom floor. I outlined that event in one of my early blog posts. After that I was an avid reader of Honcho magazine as well as a few other gay rags. I liked the pictorals, but solo spreads of guys jacking themselves off still didn't appeal to me. I liked the stories and illustrations better, because they had actual sex in them.

It wasn't until grad school that I bought my first VHS porn tape. I've bought some more tapes and DVDs since then, but my collection isn't that large. I enjoy them, absolutely—and I have a special fondness for TIM releases these days. They've never been a necessary for my sexual pleasures, though.

I can get off harder talking to a real person online than I can from watching hypersexualized muscle studs fuck on camera, a lot of the time. It's just the way I am.

Have you ever taken drugs? If so what type. Do you still occasionally use it for recreational purposes?

Nope, I am a total virgin when it come to the use of substances, save for one recreational use of Viagra. Which gave me a pounding headache.

Have you considered adding a "A Breeder's Journal 2" blog? Blogger has been known to randomly delete blogs, and a refuge in waiting would be something All your fans would appreciate! Great Writing.. thanks!

I don't have any copyrighted material in my blog, so I'm hoeing I won't get the random banhammer. If I do, I'd let people know on Twitter of my new location.

All mt entries are copied and pasted from my personal journal, so they're all backed up and stuff. Fear not.

Best rimjob you ever received?

Two years ago a guy from Manhunt spread my legs and went to town on my ass with his mouth. He ate me out so hard and for so long that the last twenty minutes of the hour-long rimjob felt like I was having one very long, protracted orgasm. It was incredible.

Unfortunately, I never saw him again because he was extremely passive-aggressive with me online, and when I asked him not to be, he was outright rude and aggressive. I had to block him. It was a pity, because I've never felt anything like that, before or since.

I could eat you out for as long as you're letting me know you're enjoying it. Would you feel any guilt or a need to reciprocate?

Absolutely I would feel guilt and a need to reciprocate. But don't let that stop you!

The national press makes it seem everyone in Detroit is depressed, with good reason. Is it so?

The national press says a lot of things about Detroit that aren't necessarily true. When I moved to the city--and I moved to the inner city originally--it was the murder capital of the country and I expected to be living in a bombed-out city with muggers and murderers roaming the street. Instead I found myself living in a pleasant and green city filled with interesting people and lots to do, and I chose to remain here.

Admittedly, there are sections of the city that are frightening, and the racial and economic divides here run deeper than anywhere in the South, and for a while the unemployment rate among my professional friends was a little scary. But I still enjoy living here.

I would like u 2 choke me.

I know some guys are into breath control play during sex, but it's just too risky for me.

I had one guy pass out during sex from popper usage, and that pissed me off and frightened me enough.

I've only bottomed maybe 4 times. Would you be willing to give direction? I know how to take a dick, but I'd want to make your head spin. You'd have to tell me what to do. Is that ok?

Asking me to take charge and tell you what to do is a little like asking a lion to look majestic and to roar at stuff. It's just what we do.

I tend to be very good with novices and with people who've only had bad anal experiences in the past.

When you were still bottoming, how old was your youngest top?

I used to perform with another kid my age back then, but I hardly count what we did as actual sex. My youngest top was probably in his mid-twenties, in my teens.

did you ever rejected by a guy for having sex with him?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you mean, have guys rejected me as a potential sex partner? Absolutely.

Or did you mean have guys rejected me after having sex with me? Yes, there have been a few times that I've been rebuffed after I've had sex with a guy. A couple of times the guys who did so were pretty damned cruel about it, too. But guys can be dicks, pretty much, right?

How would you label yourself sexually? Gay, straight, bi, queer, other?

I would say I'm a four-and-a-half on the Kinsey scale.

Would you cum on the guy's back if he didn't want to be bred? Would you agree to that, and just cum inside him anyway, and say you couldn't control it? Thnx

Guys who meet me know where I'm going to shoot. The ones likely to ask me to pull out usually chicken out before meeting. So no, I don't lie to get what I want.

what does your parents react when they know you are bi?

Both my parents were extremely liberal children of the sixties for whom sexuality was no more of an issue than race or gender. To them, it's one of those aspects of a person that gives him his own flavor and offers its own rewards and challenges.

Do you feel like a sex object? If so, does that bother you?

There have been times I've felt like I've been treated like a dildo that simply happened to be attached to a tall guy. But oh, how I wish I felt like a sex object.12316001024335229-2491005120265506328?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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