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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Out Of My League Edition


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I've had an interesting week. Interesting good, and interesting bad, both. It's made me think about what goals I'd like to accomplish in my blog, over the next few days. More about that tomorrow, though.

And the week after this, I'll have some interesting news to report.

For today, though, let's revisit some of the questions I've been asked recently on formspring.me. You guys know by now I enjoy your questions—and please, feel free to ask more. I answer just about anything that's not repetitive or too invasive about my home life. If you don't feel like asking your question in public, email me. I'm always glad to answer just about any question in that forum as well.

What if a guy wants to visit you, but you don't find him attractive. How would you handle that?

I don't think it would do either of us any favors to feign attraction. However, I am not so narrow-minded that I find only a very limited range of men beddable. If I genuinely am not interested, I say so up front.

From your answer to a previous question, it sounds like you were more nervous (as a teen) about sex with a girl than with men...why?

By that point I'd had a lot of sex with me, and almost always in a passive role. With my first girl, I was expected to take the lead and play the dominant role. That was pretty scary, and not all that natural, at that point of my life.

you don't believe in monogamy but yet your married and that's what marriage is, no offense just confused that's all.I don't think anyone wants to be married to someone who sleeps with other people.

Marriage and monogamy are not synonyms. Not even close. A lot of people equate the two, but one is a civil status and the other is a behavior.

Some marriages are monogamous. Some are not. Some people remain monogamous with another although they are not married. The two are independent of, and do not rely upon or require, the other.

Smooth shaved pubic areas on grown men is a turnoff for me - like having sex with a 7 year old what are your thoughts about shaved crotches ?

I have no problems enjoying a guy with a shaved crotch--I have fun with a nice bald crotch, in fact.

That said, I like the hairy ones, too. Call me easy.

What's best to do if a guy is tight and you have a hard time getting in?

Massive amounts of lube and a whole lot of rimming!

How is it that you came up with your sobriquet? Have you thought about a radio show with just such a title?

I'm a fan of the sixties TV show The Avengers. I don't think there's a radio station that would play my show, though!

I am very shy to hook up, even talk to someone I like. how can I solve the problem?

I used to be quite shy in my late teens. I eventually overcame it simply by pretending to be braver than I was, and doing the same things someone far more outgoing would do. Playacting being an extrovert actually helps overcome those shy tendencies.

Since Sunday is fast approaching - please provide intimate details of you and a trucker / truckers in the back of the cab.

I have had sex wih a lot of truckers, but only once at the back of the cab. It had an odd scent of vegetable soup that I found very distracting.

Why is your sexual appetite so voracious?

I don't believe my libido runs any higher than that of many men. I simply act feel free to follow through more than most.

Many men are voracious. They won't let themselves feast, though, in the spurious name of virtue, or self-control, or decency. Yes, I'm aware I'm sounding like a libertine in a period film exorting the hero to abandon an apple-cheeked lass in favor of an exotic French whore who's Bad News and probably riddled with syphilis to boot.

I try to make each sex experience the best ever. It doesn't always work though. Knowing that guys expect you to be the best, do you ever feel pressure to live up to the expectation?

I do try to make it good each time. Thankfully, so many other tops have set the bar so low that it's often not difficult to meet and exceed a poor bottom's expectations.

what turns u on more; innocence or sluttiness?

Sluttiness. Though I like to corrupt innocence, too.

Advice 0 after 2 fleet enemas, after using a dildo, I still had some liquid shit coming out of my ass and also on the dildo. What's a guy to do? signed, nasty panties

Are you emptying the fleet enemas of the stuff that comes pre-loaded in them? Because that stuff is a laxative, and it's only going to make the situation worse. If you have to use a fleet enema, empty it out and rinse it before using.

I recommend a reusable rubber bulb enema. You can rinse out as much as you like, wash it off, and fill up again if you need.

You have sometimes mentioned fucking guys you thought were "out of your league." Of them, who surprised you the most in joining you for a good pounding?

I first should say that when I use the phrase 'out of my league', it is me at my more thoughtless and probably self-hating. I do go through bouts of self-image problems like anyone, and years of being told by countless other people that the men I find attractive are 'out of my league' will make anyone buy into the concept, no matter how silly it really is.

Probably the most flattering guy I had join me who managed to make me feel unworthy was a beautiful fireman, thirteen years ago. He was totally straight, but knew of my bisexuality and was totally comfortable with it. We would share girls together--but he really enjoyed watching me work over a guy, too. He wouldn't participate, or become aroused enough to join, but he surely loved to buddy up and get an eyeful.

The guy was gorgeous. He looked like one of those model-firemen they use for the calendars. Muscles for days, perfect features, ice blue eyes. I enjoyed his friendship for the better part of three years.

How often do you get tested? If we were to meet, would u let me make u cum as many times as possible?

I test every three months, generally. I would hope you'd want to make me shoot as many times as possible.

After you've bred a guy, do you like it when he keeps your cum inside him (like with a butt plug)? Or don't you care what he does with your sperm batter?

I usually like it when the guys keep it inside them. There's nothing less sexy than a man who dashes to the bathroom to try to force it out on the toilet, or to spit and rinse his mouth. I've never had anyone put a butt plug in immediately after, though.

does watersports turn you on?

Indeed it does. It can be an extremely sensual act. Just don't ask me to do it in my bed.

What was the last great book you read?

Recently I finished reading Dan Simmons' Drood, which was a great and mysterious romp set in Victorian England with the characters of Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins locked in a rivalrous duel. One of my blog readers sent it to me as a gift from my Amazon wish list, and it gave me hours of pleasure. The last really intriguing book I read before that was Sarah Waters' The Little Stranger, a ghost story with a great twist.

do u find intergenerational sex hot?

Since most of the sex I had in my early and mid-teens was intergenerational, and I get hit on by a ton of college-aged kids these days, at the very least, I'm going to give this question an unqualified 'yes.'

I like being pissfucked. I find many men can't do it. Can u and do u enjoy it

I both enjoy it and can do it, if I'm done fucking and can get half-soft enough to let go. I find more bottoms that have problems handling it, once it starts, myself.

It's advanced piss play, and not for the novice, hot as it might be to fantasize about.

Two questions... I'm only about 6x6, uncut, but I think I'm a top. Does my relatively small size limit my options? Am I doomed to bottom-hood for forever!? Also, can you walk us through the whole public cruising shpeel? Tapping feet, eyes, handkerchiefs?

Dude. You can be a totally successful top at any size--simply by being the one who steps up, takes charge, and flips a guy butt-up.

6" x 6", assuming an honest measurement, is not relatively small. It's an average length combined with an above-average thickness. Considering that many, many bottoms (myself included, back in my bottom days) prefer thickness to length, I think you've got some goods tucked between your legs that you shouldn't be ashamed to use.

Advertise yourself as a top. You'll get action, I guarantee.

Cruising in public is such a broad topic. I read an entire book on it in my teens, so I don't think I could answer it in the confines of one of these questions. Be specific and pick one venue you're curious about and ask me again. I'll give it a go.12316001024335229-1569060976257817968?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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