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[Wolveriner] Seeing Big Shot


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I brought Big Shot out to dinner last night as he's in the city for a 48 hour business trip and we had a great conversation about cars, work, life etc. Compared to other guys I meet, there was no awkward silence and no need to bull shit, words just flowed between us. It's our third rendez-vous but the first time was a fuck with few words exchanged. The reason we got along so well because he's so mature for a 24 year old and that we have similar backgrounds and interests. Recounting his many friends all over the continent, I find it hard to believe when he said he's extremely shy therefore hasn't been able to meet guys. This guy is a social butterfly but it takes times for him to warm up to people, as I experienced during our last meet in L.A.

After a brief tour of the city at night, things moved to my place. The guy didn't stop talking but in a good way, and as usual I had to be the one to make the move, holding his neck in my hands for a kiss. We resumed the talk and kissed again a few times til I commanded him to sit on the couch next to me. Big Shot is an amazing kisser, nibbling each other and sucking each others tongues like a Dyson vacuum.

I was reminded of his dollar-size nipples when I peeled off his shirt. Several times, I pulled back after a few minutes of kissing to look at the guy, pondering 'what if,' why I think he's sexy, numerous other things flashed thru my mind. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm going thru a life crisis questioning myself, and similar questions arose as I was making out with Big Shot. I started to worry about my erectile dysfunction, and the more I thought about it, the worse the situation became that I wasn't able to get hard.

I was also thinking whether we should get into the leather play we're both very much into but I decided against it as I wasn't really up for it and it would've been too much hassle. We tried it again in the bed and no erection came out of it that we gave up and kissed and cuddled. Though the guy is definitely overweight but there's something so sexy about him, the maturity, baby face with a kinky streak.

Informed that he had to be ready by 8 A.M. the next morning, I casually mentioned "I'd love to spend the night with you." To my surprise, he responded "for sure." I was totally not expecting that since he had a hotel room and it meant we would have to wake up at an ungodly hour. Now writing this, did that reply conveyed he was really interested in me as well? During our pillow talk, I confessed the thought "what if" crossed my mind when we were making out and I can't tell if he's quashing my dreams or fishing for my genuine thoughts, he interjected "I thought your crush on me was over." I half-heartedly said "yeah" but to be honest, a sliver of interest remains.

I barely slept last night as he breathed and snored within minutes after lights were out. Our hands occassionally explored each others bodies and we kissed repeatedly in the darkness. My boner arrived in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep so I went down and sucked him for a few minutes. We rose reluctantly at 6:30 to drop him off back at the hotel.

The guy is definitely boyfriend material and I can tell we're both interested in each other. Okay, he's overweight but that doesn't bother me, his handsome baby face, maturity, and kinky side appeal to me. He actually inspired me during his convo about work, getting me to aspire for bigger things cuz I don't wanna nickel-and-dime thru life. For years I thought I was okay with a mediocre living but he woke me up that if I didn't have a passion for a profession, I might as well do something that'll make big bucks allowing me to enjoy life in other ways. Yet, I'm not ready to dump my boyfriend for a new relationship.19159296-3094514511676991825?l=wolveriner.blogspot.com


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