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[Breeder] Another Milestone, Another Contest


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Sometime this coming weekend, I'm projecting that A Breeder's Journal will hit a quarter of a million visitors. A quarter million of a unique visitors since I installed my counter in April, that is. No matter how you look at it, that's a whole lot of unique visitors.

To celebrate my trek to a million unique visitors and eventual world domination, I'm having a giveaway. The lucky winner will receive a pair of my underwear that I've been using as a cum rag for the last couple of weeks. They're pictured below. Click on the photos to see the full-sized versions.



Yes, as you can see, the shorts in question—a pair of black bikini Jockeys—are pretty well-frosted with several of my loads, as well as some of my pubic hair (and probably a few stray pet hairs as well). Not all of you will be interested in such an accessory, of course. But I know enough of you are to make the contest interesting.

How do you enter? Glad you asked. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post before 8 a.m. eastern time on Monday, September 20. Be sure you're willing to do the following, though:

- When you comment on the post, make sure you have an easily-identifiable name or handle. Those of you with blogger accounts or some other account that links with blogger are already identified when you post here, but if you don't have such an animal, don't worry. Just sign off with some name or nickname so that I can identify you. I'm trying to avoid saying, "Anonymous #5, you're a winner!", here.

- If you enter, be prepared to check back next Monday or on the couple of days thereafter in order to see if you're the lucky person to get a pair of DNA-encrusted shorts.

- If you win, be prepared to send me your mailing address through email. Do not include it in your comment, for the sake of your own privacy.

All clear? Don't be totally anonymous. Check back. And don't give me your address now, but be ready to do it later. Monday morning I'll use a random number generator to pull a lucky name from the pool, and will announce the winner.

Don't be shy about entering, even if you rarely or never comment here. It's all in the name of fun!

If you don't want other people to know you're entering this sordid grab for my shorts, don't worry. You can enter privately. (That sounds dirty.) Simply send an email to my address, which you'll find in the sidebar of my blog.

And finally, if you want to comment but do not wish to run the risk of receiving a pair of cummy shorts in the mail, let me know in your comment that you're contributing merely for the sake of speaking up.

Now that we've got that over, let's look at some of the Google search phrases with which people have been hitting my journal since the hundred-thousand milestone.

big sweaty mr steed blogspot

Why, thank you. Though I like to think I don't perspire. I glow.

cumming in my shorts thread-bare or skimpy -she -her

I think today's contest is made for you, sir.

"liam cole" photography shoot

Yeah, I have dreams of that myself, sir. If only.

African violet use during sex

You know, I was certain that the person who asked me that particular formspring.me question was doing so in jest, but now that I see not just one but
people on Google have queried variations of this phrase, I'm a little worried.

bj in the bathroom blog

I considered this title for my journal when I created it, you know.

who is that blogger who is the former football player with the big dick

I'm not really sure, but he isn't me.

people who have never been touched

And this definitely isn't me.

guys into fishing tackle sex


If I don't hoover my mattress should I start to?

I fear some domestic-minded person accidentally got an eyeful of the wrong thing when he or she looked at my journal for bedbug prevention tips.

pictures of young men having sex in poses of the zodiac

All I can say is that there are some people with extremely specialized tastes out there.



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