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[Breeder] And the winner is. . . .


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Before we hold the grand prize drawing today, I'd first like to thank the editor of gaydemon.com for his kind recommendation of this blog as an editor's pick. For those of you unfamiliar with the site, gaydemon.com collects, indexes, and reviews gay porn sites, and brings its fans a fresh dose of boner-inducing goodness on a daily basis.

If you're one of my new readers or followers, welcome! I'll be getting back to my usual ramblings about my sex life after today's contest drawing—but in the meantime, you've plenty of back entries to catch up on. There will possibly be a pop quiz at some point, after all. You can always explore the links in the sidebar to find my various online profiles, my Twitter stream, my formspring.me question site, and my various wish lists, if you're so inclined.

This week I'll be writing (and posting a couple of photos and a video) about a gloryhole session I had yesterday, and I still have a fuck from last week to catch up on as well.

Back to our contest. Between your emails and your comments on Thursday's entry, as well as a couple of entries over at formspring.me, I had over 70 entrants in the Win A Pair of The Breeder's Cum-Crusted Shorts contest. That's a flattering number of men who want to get into my pants today. I've entered all the names into an application designed for random lottery drawings. The winner will have until Thursday morning to contact me via email (see the 'email me' link under 'More About the Breeder' sidebar) with a mailing address. If I don't hear from him by then, I'll draw another name and repeat the process.

And the winner is. . . .

Jase — who commented with the thought the contest was 'hot, and a totally cool idea'. I'm glad you think so, Jase! Because now you'll be getting the spooge-covered grand prize.

Contact me to pick up your winnings, my friend. And if anyone has more ideas for future contests, let me know.12316001024335229-584913022729488780?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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