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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Nicole Edition


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So, those of you over there on the eastern U.S. seaboard, did you make it through Tropical Storm Nicole all right? Over the last week some of you have told me about the torrential rainfalls and the winds, and one of you sent me horrifying photos of a parking lot of cars afloat in a flood of water. Yikes. Sounds like a serious interruption of the daily dose of porn surfing!

Today, as is my traditional Sunday custom, I'll be answering some of the questions that have been accumulating on my formspring.me account. If you've not visited it before, give it a try--it allows anyone, even you, to ask me questions anonymously or, if you prefer and you set up an account with them, with your identity attached. I'll answer just about anything that's not too invasive or redundant. Of course, you always have the option of reaching out to me via email if you'd prefer. I get around to all my emails eventually--honest!

What foot size do you have?

I wear a size eleven shoe.

How many pillows are there on your bed?

Three. Two for people's heads, and a small one I keep between my knees when I sleep.

This is a very unsexy question, but how do you do it all, time-management-wise? You seem to have a relationship, family, career and then a very active sex life that fuels a well-written blog. How the heck do you do it all?

First, thanks for the compliment.

I've said this a few times, but it probably bears repeating: I don't have a standard office job. I have the luxury of arranging my work, personal, and home life to suit the needs of the current day. If my needs involve some playtime, I can pretty easily accommodate it.

If I have a deadline or if I have household affairs that need my attention, those will come first. But I'm grateful to have an opportunity to earn a living in a creative profession that allows me--when it comes to time management--a quality of life I never had when I was a nine-to-fiver.

When did you have your first bareback orgasm in an ass? Were you a virgin to anal sex? Did you take or give a load first?

I took my first load before my teens. The first load I shot into an ass was when I was twenty-two or so.

What do you think of geek guys? Are they attractive to you?

Oh my gosh, geeky guys are like catnip to me. I gush over geeky guys!

Have you ever participated on a bukkakke?

Nope. I can't think of anything I'd like to do less than jack off on someone's face. If it doesn't involve a hole, I'm usually not fully aroused.

On NPR this morning a story about someone who wanted to move from Michigan but couldn't because house hadn't sold. How long do you have for your house to sell?

The sooner the better, generally, which is why I've been motivated to get everything in tip-top condition before the house was on the market.

However, I don't have a specific deadline by which I have to be in the new place (my other half does, but I don't). If it means I stick around for a couple of extra months until it sells, so be it.

Want to buy it?

Have you ever touched your father's penis?

I have, but not in a sexual context. He had surgery a few years ago that required me to nurse him for a couple of weeks, and during that time I has to bathe him three or four times.

When you move, will you get a new Adam4Adam username since your current one includes your zip

I guess I will. A couple of services let you change your user name; I don't think A4A or Manhunt are among them, though.

Ever considered writing a primarily non-sexual blog in addition to A Breeder's Journal? If so, what would you name it? P.S. Be careful what you ask for. Hehe.

My blog is really an extension of my private journal--mostly it's the sexual stuff with the names (and sometimes some identifying characteristics) altered.

It's all stuff that happens to me on a day-to-day basis, though.

so neither age nor race is a factor when fucking someone? no preference whatsover?

I don't have real preferences when it comes to race, no.

I like dicking younger guys, it's true. I have a real fondness for my boys. At the same time, I'm not one of those middle-aged men who either pretend they're a twenty-something themselves, or shun all others who don't fall into that category. I've been turned on by all ages throughout my life, and I don't see that changing.

Are there guys you've wanted to, or have had the option to, snuggle in and sleep all night with?

There are many men I've wanted to cuddle with all night. There are a handful with whom I've had the privilege.

Have you ever done something along the lines of this video?


No, I can't really say I've ever had golden wings or a light saber spring out of the rose growing over my crotch. Lately, anyway.

Do you think your kids could be gay?

I think it's possible for just about anyone, or anyone's kids, to be gay. Do I think it's probable? I haven't seen any evidence to suggest it, one way or another.

Say you can, and must, choose between two new men. They're equally handsome, well built, versatile, successful. The only real difference: One's as intelligent as you, the other just average. Which would you have sex with; why?

In that kind of situation, the deciding factor would be personality—who's more pleasant, less stand-offish, more engaging in conversation?

Failing that, who has the better ass?

How do you decide how to position the bottom?

A lot of the time I can tell what positions he likes by the way his body responds when it's time to fuck--he'll scoot into a position he wants to open with, for example, or outright tell me, "I want to sit on your dick now."

If I get my druthers, I prefer to start out with them on their knees or belly, butt-up. I get more control and depth that way.

How close have you come to getting caught (specifically by your significant other)?

I've had only one close call, ever, when the spouse texted me to ask if I needed anything at the supermarket five blocks from home, right as a bottom was about to arrive at the house.

I fucked the boy quickly and was all cleaned up well in enough time, though.

Have you ever had any kind of sexual contact during a visit with a health care professional (doctor, dentist, shrink, massage therapist, chiropractor, etc.) that wasn't pre-planned?


Are there any nationalities of guys that you've had great sexual experiences with? For me, I've had the best sex with Cubans and Brazilians

I've had a lot of really, really good sex with Mexican guys, and every Australian man with whom I've gotten naked has turned out to be fantastic in the sack. The Brazilians I've bedded have been very good--but I've only had a couple.

Your youth seems to have been one of incessant sexual practices a youth shouldn't engage in. Do you feel this has made sex more of an act of domination/submission for you? Or perhaps even made sex a ritually based addiction?

I've thought about this question quite a lot in the last week, and frankly I find it difficult to address because it comes pre-laden with a lot of negativity. The use of the word 'incessant' and phrases like 'shouldn't engage in' and 'ritually based addiction' are so laden with judgment that they're difficult to separate from the question itself.

If you wanted to ask if having sex in my pre-teens and early teens made a difference in my adult sex life, that's one thing. But it seems as if you've already made your decision about it, from your phrasing, and that's a shame. I don't mean to accuse you of being deliberately hostile with your question. I do think, however, that you're making your own assumptions about sex fairly clear, and hope you know that not everyone is going to agree with them.

I don't really believe there's activity that someone 'shouldn't engage in' based solely on reaching the age of legal consent in a municipality, or reaching the age of 18, or the age of 21. Sexual maturity--and I'm talking about the emotional kind--arrives earlier for some than others. There are full-blown adults older than me whom I don't think are emotionally ready to engage in sex, either casual or committed. They simply don't have the mental resources to cope with it.

I think it's as dangerous to insist that anyone can prescribe when it's appropriate to begin engaging in sexual exploration as it is to allow someone to prescribe exactly what sexual behaviors in which we're allowed to indulge. Anyone seeking to assert authority over the sexual activity of consenting adults--whether it's the deeds, the suitability of the partners, or the frequency--should be questioned.

I also believe that to accuse anyone who enjoys sex, and enjoys an active sex life, of 'addiction' is a dangerous cliche. Our culture today, largely because of talk shows and a self-help movement actively attempting to gain notoriety and sell books, seminars, and air time, has fixed upon the notion of sexual addiction as the obvious explanation for any man simply being a man and doing what a man does. That's a damned shame. If my sexual activity were to interfere with my career, my home life, or my social sphere, I might sympathize with your question. But it does not. If it were done compulsively without any joy or appreciation, then yes, I might agree that the behavior might be approaching the addictive. Anyone who reads my journal, however, knows that while I might have a good amount of sex, it's far from joyless, un-meaningful, and never done without thought and consideration.12316001024335229-2448217478888239996?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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