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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Did You Miss Me Edition


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Usually when I have to leave town on some errand, I've been writing up some entries in advance for you guys and having them auto-post in the early mornings, so that there'd be the usual material to peruse on a nearly-daily basis. The couple of times I've done it, though, I've noticed something: the minute my readers think I've left town, they stop reading my entries. They'll return the following Monday with warm wishes to hope I've had a great trip, but while I'm gone during an announced trip? I get remarkably few comments and my daily readership goes down.

Of course I'm obsessive enough to want to battle that kind of ennui. So this last week, when I had to go on another New England house-hunting expedition, I didn't want you guys in advance that I'd be absent. I didn't keep it a secret—if you're one of my Twitter followers, it should've been fairly obvious where I was at any given moment. I didn't make a big deal of it, though.

And guess what? My readers barely seem to have noticed I was gone. So there! Fooled y'all!

As for those curious about my household situation: I'm still living in Michigan for the moment. My better half has relocated to New England in temporary quarters, and I'll remain here until my house sells. At that point, we'll purchase a new home and the entire move will take place. So tell your friends to buy my house. I swear, I had professional carpet cleaners to get out the cum stains from the den floor.

Our Sunday tradition around here is to recap some questions I've fielded on formspring.me. If you've got questions, please head on over there to ask them; I'll answer anything that's not invasively personal or repetitive. (I know I've got a lot of responses to sort through, so I tend to be lenient on the latter.) The upside of formspring is that you can make your inquiries anonymously. If you'd prefer a more personal reply, feel free to contact me using the email address in the sidebar. Explore my other links as well, whether it's my wish lists or my various online profiles, or the blogs I enjoy reading.

What if I came to visit you and upon chatting you discover that I'm a total loser,or that I talk to much, or giggle too much. Would you just not go through with it? In other words, do you have a method of prescreening?

Do you really giggle too much? If a guy is making a trip from a long way away, I generally have a good feeling for him by the time we reach the stage he's going to travel for me.

Whats your name on Cam4?

You can find me there as steed48067.

has anyone ever pissed in your ass? or you to someone elses?

I've never had my ass pissed in. I have, however, pissed in asses before.

if you could spend a day with any person .. famous , not famous .. dead or alive ... who would it be ?

I want to give the name of someone literary so I can sound more intellectual than I am, or of a great humanitarian so that I can give the impression of caring more about the world than I do. But my answer would probably be Tim Gunn. Because he fascinates me.

What is it that gave you the idea/inspiration to start the blog?

That's such a good question. I've kept a journal for the better part of my life, and sexual episodes have always been a part of it. In my blog you might remember I even wrote about chronicling every sexual encounter during my teen years. The sex entries in my journal grew out of those to be pretty much what you read now.

There were a couple of sex blogs I enjoyed reading that inspired me, most especially the one from MrGloryHoleJunkie. And there were two blogs I really disliked and read regularly anyway, sneering the entire time and coming away saying, "I could do better than that!" after every session. (I won't name names.)

So after one of those episodes of reading some good stuff followed by some bad and irritating, I decided to put up, or shut up, and started posting my erotic journal entries on my new blog.

There were also some other complicated reasons I created a place to post X-rated material, but I think you could say admiration and competition were the driving factors.

Some men feel that musky hairy zones -- pits, crotch, gooch -- are highly erotic. Others could not be more repulsed, and few seem indifferent. What's YOUR attitude to manstink?

I'm almost afraid to ask what a gooch is.

I generally like natural smells. I enjoy the scent of a man's natural armpit with some sweat action going on. I dig my own natural smells from my armpits and crotch and balls.

If it's getting to the point that my nose is confusing the guy with a homeless person, though, then we've got a problem.

Remembering an incident in an airport with a certain famous senator: I wonder if you wwould be offended if a stall neighbor used a mirror to see your fat weapon?

I'd prefer he just stuck his hand or dick under the partition so we could get right to the action.

Favorite bathhouse?

In yesteryears of yore I would've said the Barracks in Toronto, simply because the sex could be amazingly piggy. Nowadays I think the Steamworks chain is the best.

One of your answers said you've only had the "privilege" of cuddling all night with a few men. Would you like to have a regular cuddle buddy you could sleep with, with or without having sex as well?

Absolutely. But we would be having sex.

I'm a tactile, touchy person. I find being around someone who has the ability to be casually affectionate very appealing.

You frequently mention your regulars (e.g. Scruffy). I'm sure it sucks to be leaving them. It occurred to me though, do your regulars have regulars of their own? The general disproportion of bottoms to tops might make that difficult but I was curious

I'm pretty certain that my bottoms have regular playmates other than myself. If not, they should.

I suppose my approach to sex is a bit like my approach to diet. Tasty as a guy might be, I've find it unhealthy for me in the long run to have a sexual diet only of one particular dish. Grazing around from the different food groups keeps me functioning well—and I suspect it would for other men, too.

There are playmates I've had for years, and even over a decade. I'd keep them even longer were I not moving away from the area. I think they recognize that I'd encourage them to play with others as well as enjoy themselves with me.12316001024335229-4571470370781391140?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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