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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Gentle Reminder Edition


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I am lucky to have such an awesome—and more importantly, intelligent—group of readers and followers that I don't usually have to make these kind of pronouncements, but this week has left me a little testier than most.

So before we get into our regular Sunday routine of rounding up answer to questions I've been getting on formspring.me, let me remind you of a couple of things. And please keep in mind I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. Maybe we were all having bad weeks.

I don't get paid to keep this blog. Unfortunate, but true. It's a labor of love. Though I get a couple of rare gifts from my readers every once in a while, for the most part the only things that keeps me going are the fact I love to gab about myself, the supportive comments I get from you guys on occasion, and the new friendships I'm always making.

Still, real life might sometimes interfere with my blogging, as it did for a couple of days this week. When that happens, it's nice to know I'm missed—but sometimes the reactions I receive to my absence strike me as rather aggressive. Or entitled, even.

All I ask is that you keep in mind that I am merely an everyday guy who writes about his sex life and shares his dim insights about it. I am not a porn machine.

On that note, let me also say that since I'm writing about my life, I can't really tailor my material to suit. The stuff I write about is already in the past by the time I put pen to paper. The stuff that's happened in my distant past especially, I cannot change. I can't take back my actions, or the things I said. I cannot alter what has happened to me, no matter how icky some of you might find it, or how some of you wish I might have taken something further. I'm just writing about my life, and my memories, here, because I think these kind of human experiences are valuable, and interesting, and don't get enough thoughtful attention or examination.

To recap: it's my life. Not a porn machine. Labor of love. Be gentle. I have a big dick.

(Well, I thought I'd throw that last one in there for good measure.)

Do you own an iPhone? What kind of (mobile)phones have you used before in your life? (if you remember of course)

I have an iPhone now. I was a Treo user before the iPhone era, and before that I had a tiny Sony Ericksson candybar phone that I thought was the hottest thing ever.

Do you use any applications for online sex cruising on your phone?

I don't use Grindr or any of those other cruising apps. I do use my phone's web browser for cruising line when I'm on the go, though.

Do you ever travel to Europe? And if so, have you ever travelled to Europe before? And if not, would you like to travel to Europe? Which cities? (potential host here! ;-) )

I would like to travel to Europe. I've never been. In which city will you be hosting me and giving me guided tours?

What's the best sex you have ever had and where?

This is such a tough question, because I've had a lot of very, very good sex.

I could answer it by saying that a lot of my best sex was in my youth, when I was doing it without fear of consequence and with a lot of abandon. Or I could answer it by saying that some of the best sex I've had has been in some wildly kinky or perverted circumstances that made me shoot very hard.

However, I think the most honest answer is that whenever I'm having sex, I'm trying to make that the best sex I've ever had—even better than everything that's come before. That's what I shoot for.

Your "Sex Quotient" is off the charts. But in what percentile is your IQ? (Sorry -- after a while, sleaze gets boring.)

The only time I had my IQ measured was as a kid, and at that time it was 160. However, I'm fundamentally too lazy to put most of those brain cells to work.

If an acquaintance of yours happened upon A Breeder's Journal, what is the likelihood that they would recognize you and have a eureka! moment?

Probably the minute they saw my photo or Blogspot avatar.

Do you believe the 90:10 bottom:top ratio, or do you think it's mostly men being lazy / performance anxiety?

The ratio in which I believe is more like 98:2 bottom:top. Yes, really.

I don't think it has anything to do with laziness, because a good bottom doesn't just lie there, or performance anxiety, because bottoming involves performance anxiety too (which is what trips me up 100% of the time when I attempt to bottom). I think that bottom is just something that a lot of men enjoy a lot—whether it's proudly and with abandon, or secretly and with embarrassment. It should be proudly. There's no shame in the desire.

Hi :) I'm 16 and the length of my cock is 5.5 inches, and the girth is exactly 5 inches. What do you think about my size, and how much more do you think I'll grow?

I wouldn't worry about your size too much. Many guys don't reach their full size until their late teens, so you've probably some growing left to do.

Dick length is one of those things it's not worth fretting over, in the long run; after all, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, either way. Learning to give the maximum amount of pleasure with the equipment you're given--now, that's the challenge.

Do you have any relatives (that you know of) that are also gay/bi?

My older brother is gay, but he's the only one I know about.

Have you ever fucked a Buddhist priest?

I think 'Buddhist monk' is the more proper term. In the U.S., as well as in other areas of the world, many Buddhist monks have relationships, full-time jobs, homes in the cities and suburbs, and aren't saffron-robe-wearing monastics, you know. The answer to this one is yes, I have.

Have you ever had a date where the guy only wanted to be fucked by toys?

Indeed I have, and we both knew in advance that's exactly what we'd be doing. The guy had a large toy bag, and he used as many of the toys on me as I did on him—it was actually a pretty damned erotic session.

You are definitely a very sexy and highly desired man - especially with all your blog and x-tube fans. How do you stay down-to-earth and not let the attention go to your head? (No! Not that head. LOL)

Thanks for the compliment, most sincerely.

I think it would go to my head more readily if the attention from my blog translated into more actual hookups. Sadly, it hasn't.

At any rate, I have my share of sexual disappointments, rejections, and embarrassments like anyone else. Keeping everything in perspective, enjoying the good times when I get them, and laughing about the bad times keeps me humble. (Usually.)

you've hit the quadruple digits in your list of fucks? how is that even possible?!

It's not that tough. I've been sexually active for 34 years. To hit 1000 different guys in 34 years only requires having sex with 30 different guys a year. That's about one new guy every week and a half.

Inconceivable to some, sure. I could manage that without breaking much of a sweat.

Sorry if you've answered this before, but how long is your cock? girth? :)

I'm a solid eight inches by five and a half around.

See? I told you it was big.12316001024335229-3373457936670253469?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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