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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Halloween Edition


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For all of you celebrating the most festive gourd-centered holiday of the year tonight, I wish you a safe and fun time, full of treats and tricks. People have been asking me all month what I'm intending to dress as for Halloween. I've been telling them I'm coming as a sex god. Or an anal probe. One or the other.

As I always do on Sundays, I'll be assaying a few of those formspring.me questions that you guys are considerate and creative enough to keep asking. If you've ever got questions for me, feel free to use formspring's anonymous service to make your inquiries. Additionally, you can email me directly, using the link on the sidebar. Over there to your right. No, a little further right. Yes, now down. Yes. Where it says email. You've got it. As long as the questions aren't repetitive or aggressively obnoxious, I'll tackle them for you!

In order to go bb on a guy, have you ever promised to pull out to cum? Have you promised and then shot inside anyway?

No, I'm pretty up front about what I expect and want, and don't resort to trickery to get it. I get plenty of offers without having to do that kind of thing.

Where's your buddy's gloryhole? ;-)

Head north from my house half a block, turn right, drive to the second light, and six blocks north of that, on the left-hand side.

What a cool buddy to share that experience with you. How did you guys meet?

I wrote about my buddy with the gloryhole in a blog entry at this address: http://mrsteed64.blogspot.com/2010/09/hole.html

Have you ever won a karaoke night?

Indeed I have. Once. On a cruise ship.

Which do you prefer, doing a pump & dump, fucking a guy the way you want to, or fucking a guy the way you think he needs it (which may be different from what he asks of you)?

I will usually opt for fucking a guy the way I perceive he needs it. Often the style will indeed be the way he wants it. Sometimes, however, he'll not be aware how badly he needed a particular style until it's over and done.

Knowing what I want is sometimes a challenge. People close to me tell me often that I am too much of a chameleon when I fuck, melding into other people's coloration instead of displaying my own.

Aside from the time you were caught in the restroom by police (that was a great story), have you ever been caught in "the act" by say, a guy's wife or the mall restroom attendant?

I have not had any close calls in restrooms that were anything like that I experienced with the cops, in my teens. I did have a close call in which a very handsome guy I was fucking received an unexpected visit from his elderly father, mid-dicking. I think the father was more embarrassed at barging in with his key unannounced, than we were.

I seem to recall having another close call in my early twenties with a married man in which she actually made it to the bottom of the stairs (we were in the bedroom above), but the husband quickly asked her to go down and take out some hamburger from the freezer in the basement so it could thaw, and snuck me out the back door while she was down there.

So, with your profligate sharing of your body, its various parts, and its various fluids - have you ever spent energy sharing those same tasty delights with female recipients? I am a boy, but have a girl that is majorly turned on by your escapades.

I have indeed, many a time. Y'all should invite me over.

What are you some of your current favorite songs or most recent songs you've heard and liked ?

I'm too old to be a barometer for popular music. Lately I've been listening to Professor Green's new CD, "Alive 'Til I'm Dead" (his goofy "I Need You Tonight" is my favorite song this year), and the Pipettes' new release, "Earth vs. the Pipettes." I'm still playing the Scissor Sisters release from a few weeks back to death, too.

OMFG mate! As far as I'm concerned, everything you touch turns to GOLD...cock (yours, your trade and blog followers), sexual experiences and their corresponding musings. With that in mind, I often wonder what (or which) blogs, websites or groups YOU gra

Gra....vitate to? Grab? Grant my attention? My ravenous ego will scarcely let me type the following words, but that was almost too much compliment (thank you!), and not enough question!

When is the last time you had a penis in your bum?

Close to eight years ago, at this point.

What's on your "Things I want to do before leaving Michigan" list?

I have a list of favorite restaurants I want to visit. Most of them are little dive places of which I know I won't find the likes anywhere else.

There are a number of people I'd like to meet with again before I go. It's leaving behind people and sexual partners I really enjoy (some of whom I've enjoyed for years now) that stings the most.

Spooner or Spoonee?

I definitely like both. I tend to be the spooner, though, because so many people like to be spooned.

You say you are a working artist. Please be more specific. It also sounds like you have taught at the college/university level. Please give me some details as I also have been in the arts and currently teach at a university internationally. Thank you!

I leave my exact area of expertise vague, so that I can maintain the laughable notion of a little bit of privacy. Yes, I'm aware that broadcasting my sex life daily to a bunch of strangers on the internet entitles me to precious little privacy, but let a guy have his illusions, won'tcha? Figuring out what kind of creative work I do is not that difficult, truthfully.

I hold down part-time teaching gigs at the college level when the whim strikes.

Do you prefer hairy and beefy, or skinny and smooth? a combination of either, or of something else?

I don't really have body type preferences that way. I find all kinds of bodies sexy. Attractiveness to me has more to do with attitude, stance, and expression than it does with cookie-cutter looks—and I'm always puzzled by those who are aroused by one specific combination of adjectives.

One of the reasons I find the bear community confusing, for example, is its insistence that it is more open to different body types than the rest of the gay community. In reality, it seems to be open to one specific body type (bearded, hairy, and large) to the exclusion of all others. I'm aware this is a massive generalization, but it's generally a shame when men are interested only in a specific look that is often close to their own.

I'm always impressed with your ability to focus on the individuals you have sex with, finding what is attractive in them rather than focusing on generic standards of beauty. Have you ever met someone you had to reject based entirely on their looks?

Thanks for that. It's true that I'm unlikely to reject guys on the basis of statistics alone--that is, I'm not going to pretend they're invisible because they're over two hundred pounds, or because they're above or below the age of 35, or because they've got a shade of skin that's not my own.

But yes, I reject guys on the basis of looks. There are certain triggers that will elicit a polite no-thank-you from me, including photographs that indicate the guy is living in squalor, bad smells if he's approaching me in person, or signs of excessive drug abuse. I don't ask that everyone I meet have invested in an orthodontist, but really bad teeth I usually associate with really bad breath, which is something else that turns me off in a hurry.

What will cause me to run in the opposite direction the fastest, however, is an aura or attitude of pathetic neediness. There's a big difference between hunger and desperation. The first is fed by both parties. The second is unreciprocated.

How are you in spontaneous sexual situations if the bottom doesn't have a chance to clean out? Indifferent? Turned off?

Some guys are naturally clean, whether as a result of their diet, genetics, or overall good health. If they haven't hosed out and I get a fleck or two on my dick, it can be washed off.

If I find a bottom hasn't cleaned out (or cleaned out well) and he's leaving actual streaks on me, or painting my dick brown, or if there's a noticeable smell, I'm likely to be turned off to the point that I'll either wash off and leave, or ask the guy to go.

Shit happens, and I'm philosophical when it does. There are limits, however.12316001024335229-6220021115144385707?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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