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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Exactly What Are We Saving All That Daylight For?


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After I finished yesterday's entry I thought to myself, Now these guys know more about my underwear than they really wanted to. But then I realized that you know more about where my bodily fluids are going than the average person. Why should you balk at my crummy underpants?

Do you guys feel extra-rested after your bonus hour of sleep last night? No, me neither. So let's get right to our usual Sunday morning tradition of rounding up questions I've gotten on formspring.me. As always, feel free to ask your questions anonymously (or not) there. If they're not super-repetitive or overly-invasive, I'll be glad to address them.

Who are your influences as a writer? And, if you could fuck any character from one of Shakespeare's plays, whom would it be?

When I am writing anything other than my journal, I can point to a number of influences at any given moment. When writing fiction, I can be influenced by classic literary writers, or modern American humorists, or whatever's appropriate for the mood or tone. In academic writing, I tend to emulate my father's methodical and rigorously-documented approach to writing.

In my personal journal, though, I can't say that I really consciously emulate anyone. That's just my own thought processes, trying to sketch broad outlines of what's occurred and to paint in a few details. That seems all me. Or at least, what I've learned about storytelling from everything I've read and incorporated as part of myself.

And I'd fuck Hotspur. You know he had a slammin' ass.

how many guys do you have waiting for you to fuck them? and how many of them are you dying to fuck?

I don't have an enumerated list! I hope there are a few. I have quite a few readers I've talked to that I find very attractive, and would love to get to know. Naked.

Cam4....do you have regular show times, or is it random? If regular, please tell me a time (I'm in Korea), I would love to see every inch of the guy that can write such sordid lines with such eloquence!

My show times tend to be random, but are often in the mornings, eastern time. My cam4 handle is steed48067.

If you do catch me on there, speak up and say something. Tell me you're a blog reader. I've had nice chats with several blog readers that way.

How tense do you get when you take an AIDS test? Panic at all, or are you ready for a poz result if it comes?

The first few times in my youth when I was tested, I had a distinct tendency to panic and obsess between the time the blood was drawn and the point when I'd get my results. With practice and time, I don't really think about it or tense up much.

do you use poppers?

I have never used poppers. I don't mind a bottom who does, though.

I have read about your many escapades with men, do you have any regular excursions with women as well?

I have encounters with women as well. Men are big sluts, though, and generally easier to land in bed.

You characterize men as big sluts who are easier to bed than women. Does that hold true for you? And do you prefer men or women?

It absolutely holds true for me. Some guys seem to assume that there's shame in having a strong libido--there's not. I'm happy to be a slut.

I prefer men. Usually with guys it's easier to get right to the good stuff.

If I had a cock in my bum, 2 in my mouth and one each ear, and you felt an urgent need to fuck me, what would you say or do to the 5 men already inside me?


You've probably had this question before, but would you be willing to meet and breed a complete virgin?

Yes, and I've done it, too.

If it's not too personal a question, do you stick with your other half for stability/obligation/conformity, or because that's also a need you have that is fulfilled by that situation

I have never, ever, structured my adult life for the need of conformity. I did not undergo a relationship for the sake of it, not would I continue a relationship merely to blend in. Conformity is the least of my concerns or priorities.

Stability is a seductive influence, however. And once a relationship is undertaken, wouldn't you agree that obligation plays a role? It should.

Which sums up your view on sports: 1) interesting exercise for body (obviously) AND mind (strategies); 2) only as interesting as the bodies on display; 3) ho hum, period; 4) not-so-safe "sex" for hopeless closet cases; 5) other (specify)?

I'm fond of games. Particularly strategy games. So I appreciate some sports for the way they inspire players to think ahead, make decisions on the fly, and play strategically despite the fact that some of the choices they have to make need to occur in the blink of an eyelid. In my youth I was involved in competitive tennis and swimming, and later taught swimming to kids, so I also understand that sports can be a positive influence on some developing young minds and bodies.

That said, I find watching competitive sports a snooze. You couldn't pay me to sit through any kind of game on TV. And the amount of testosterone-filled posturing and jingoistic nonsense that sports events can attract is a menace.

I do like the Homoerotic Wrestling Channel that only seems to play at my neighborhood Mexican restaurant, though. I could watch that for hours.

When are your nipples hard?

When they're cold, or when they're chewed on. One of them I prefer more than the other.

Have you had conversations with your kid(s) about tolerance towards gays, or has the subject never come up? Do you think they could be homophobic?

When you have kids, in my philosophy, Big Topics aren't relegated solely to Big Conversations where you sit down with them and have the One Big Talk They'll Remember For The Rest Of Their Lives. The big stuff, like tolerance, should be addressed every day. Not only with conversation, but with example. Sure, sometimes it might be addressed directly, but my style is not to set aside a chunk of lecture time for the big topic of the day.

Homophobia isn't tolerated in my household. Nor is it a part of anyone's life here.

How old were you when you went to your first gay club/bar?

I never visited a gay establishment until I was in grad school. I would've been around twenty at the time, and a guy took me on a date to a little gay restaurant. I'd never been so uncomfortable in my entire life.

I never walked into my first gay bar until I was twenty-five or thereabouts. There really hadn't been any in the places I lived (of which I knew) until I moved to the midwest.12316001024335229-1103674359999990552?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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