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[Black BB Bull] ManBoy


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It was a couple weeks ago…a Friday…no…make that Saturday morning at 2:00 AM. I am awakened by the chirp of my cell phone on my night stand. I answered the phone, thinking that there must be an emergency or something for anyone to be calling me at 2 AM.

Me: Hello

ManBoy: Hey **** this is ****, we hooked up a couple of times

Me: Yeah, I remember, what’s up?

ManBoy: I am in town at the ***** hotel was wondering if you wanted to come over mess around.

Yeah, he said “mess around”, and I could tell that he obviously had just gotten in from the bars.

A bit of background…I met the guy about two years ago. I was in one of the more popular Dupont Circle gay bars for happy hour…not my usual thing but I made myself go out that Friday night after work…at times I have a tendency to keep to myself a little too much…boarding on the nonsocial…so my critics masquerading as friends tell me.

This guy, whom I call ManBoy here, is actually a few years older than me. But, with his slight and tight build (ex marine) and his forever high & tight haircut…he looks like he is pushing 30 instead of 50 when he put on a ball cap. I call it a blessing…he calls it a curse because his thing is mature muscular black men who often dismiss him as a twink at first. As a result, he is very aggressive about getting noticed by his target group.

The night we met, I saw him enter the bar with a couple of his friends. He noticed me right away, and spent the better part of an hour all but ignoring his friends while he concentrated on making eye contact with me. In the mean time, a bear/cub couple visiting from out west happened to be sitting next to me at the bar and they wasted no time engaging me in conversation and letting it be known that they would love for me to go back to their hotel room for a little fun. There was no way that was going to happen, but I certainly did enjoy their company, and as it was apparent that we were hitting it off, ManBoy actually left his friends and came to stand next to the couple and me. When the couple and I started to trade cell phone numbers, ManBoy jumped in and made it obvious that he too was taking down my number. When he got my number, ManBoy looked at me and I said, “I see you”. With that, ManBoy returned to his friends with a huge grin on his face. He called me within the hour with his hotel and room number. Long story short, we did fuck that night, but he insisted that I wear a rubber and I did because he and it was a hot scene. He had amazing ass muscle control. Once I got it in, he did the rest…massaging my covered cock until he came which pushed me over the edge and I came.

He comes to Washington often for business. We hooked up a second time a few months after the first, but this time we had communicated on-line several times before hand and the focus of those conversations was over the condom issue. In fact, I was really not that into hooking up again because I like and prefer to fuck bare. We were unable to come to terms on the issue but met up anyway to “mess around”, not necessarily fuck. That was a long session with a ton of oral. The highlight of that visit was my eating his ass…LOVED IT… he has an ass that tastes great, and he can really relax his sphincter so my tongue was able to go very deep in his hole…which drove him wild. By the end of that rimming he gave up the ghost and begged me to fuck him…even bare. I would not. Not that I was being pissy or anything like that…but I Run The Fuck…and he had to learn that lesson. He ended up getting himself off. Before I left, I pointed out that somewhere along the line, his Hard-line on using a rubber when out the fuckin window, and that if I were a man of lesser Honor, he would have cum leaking out of his butt hole right now. His response was to just look away.

Now back to a couple of weeks ago. When I realized it was him on the phone I was a bit irritated for two reasons…first off it was 2:00 fuckin o’clock in the morning. The second reason was that I knew of two other times he was in DC, and he did not contact me… so why now

In short, I told him to put his drunk ass to bed, and that I would be there at 7:00 AM. I would call him when I was on my way so that he could prep accordingly, and then I hung up the phone.

I arrived at exactly 7:00 AM. He answered the door nude, having just came from shower and prep.

There was some small talk…don’t remember hardly any of it as it was mostly nonsense except for when I mentioned that I notice he had been in DC a couple of times and he did not contact me. He gave me some bullshit excuse about thinking I was out of town because I travel so much. By this time I am now naked…I tell him that his answer/excuse is bullshit and push him back onto the bed.

After being with him a couple of times and chatting with him online, I am in his head…in short, I own him now. As he fell back on the bed, I came down on top of him…I know him…“His Thing”, “His Turn-on”… he gets off on the complete opposite of him…which is me. My big black body full on top of his slight white body…he shivered and his cock grew instantly rigid between our bodies.

The point of bringing up the fact that he did not contact me the last couple of times he was in DC was to establish a few things. First, that I have kept track of him…I know when he is in my town…he is not getting over or getting away with shit. Second, I know the reason he did not contact me was because I exposed his true desire of wanting me to take him bareback the last time we hooked up…what he SAID to the contrary notwithstanding. And Third, the fact that he did call me this time means that I WIN…he WILL take it however I give it to him…no debate, no discussion just submission.

And submit he did. I brought his legs up and immediately when to eat his delicious ass for only a couple of minutes though. He was getting into it and getting lose, but I did not want him too louse…not yet. There had to be a bit of punishment to account for not contacting me…for running from me. With just my spit a lube, I lined up the head of my fat black cock and with my muscular hips and thighs I drove into him…balls deep…first stroke…he cried out with a mix of pain and excitement. He begged me to wait and let him hit the poppers…I did. As soon as the poppers kicked in, I began to power fuck ManBoy. His knees where up around his ears, and I was pile-drive fucking him… coming almost all the way out before pile-driving back down into him. When his arms were not flaying about, he was gripping the bed covers tightly in both hands trying to manage the assault on his hole.

I worked up a good sweat working his ass over. I would alternate between power fucking him and eating him out. Each time I stopped to eat him after fucking him a bit, there was a nice layer of butt cream that just made me hornier and hornier. At times I can be a Top Pig

After about fifteen minutes of power fucking and eating ManBoy on his back, I put him on his knees at the edge of the bed. By now he was good and open, but as you bottoms know, there is a huge difference between taking dick on your back as apposed to on all fours…the angle is different, and it creates a whole different sensation. When I went into him on all fours, you would have thought I was penetrating him for the first time. He really struggled with this position, but at least in this position he could continue to hit the poppers at will…which he did. There was so much of that popper smell in the room that even I was starting to feel a little high…which made me fuck harder and faster.

As I talked about in a post a few months ago, I have become pretty good at that Sexual Kung Fu, so I would fuck him all the way up to and through orgasm, but I would halt the ejaculate and not come. This has the effect of allowing me multiple orgasms but because I did not shoot, my dick stays hard…harder in fact…and I just keep fucking.

I am sure that some of you are reading this and thinking that this is not about pleasure or fun…and if I am to be totally honest, which I try to be here…yeah, you are certainly more right than wrong. By this point….about thirty minutes into the fuck…I had had a couple of orgasms and really enjoyed eating his ass…I was fucking him now to make a point…a brutal…and perhaps over the top point. If you have been reading this blog from the beginning, then you know that this was the first time in a long time that I sort of went over to the “dark side” which I wrote about in the early posts of this blog. It is where the ultra aggressive side of me come out and it is much more about dominance and sometimes pain, than it is about pleasure. I try not to go to the darks side…tricks don’t come back from the dark side…in fact, they tend to avoid me at all costs.

I said “I sort of went to the dark side” because I caught myself before it got really bad here. ManBoy was hanging in with me as best he could but it was clear that he was going to be done soon.

I pulled my cock out of his hole…it was gaping open and beet red from the pounding I had just given it. While ManBoy was still on his knees, his whole upper body had collapsed flat against the bed. I gently rolled him over to his back again and rested his thighs on top of my thighs as I was now kneeling on the bed also. Amazingly, his cock was still three quarters hard. He looked at me with an exhausted, “what now” look on his face. Without saying a word, I directed his hands to stroke my nipples and I began to beat off. It did not take me long to literally cover his chest, stomach and groin with my thick globs of cum. As soon as I was done shooting, I gently nudged the head of my cock back into his tender hole. He instinctively took hold of his own cock, using my cum as lube, and shot his own load with in about fifteen strokes.

I got off the bed and began to get dressed in silence. ManBoy just stared off into space, intentionally not looking at me. When I was about half dressed he said

ManBoy: “Did you get off on that shit?”

Me: “What shit exactly?”

ManBoy: “Using me…like your personal fuck toy!”

I did not answer…just continued to get dressed. When I was ready to go I opened the door, but before leaving I turned and said,

Me: “When you are in town again call me if you want…or don’t… it is up to you”

ManBoy: “Right now…I don’t want to ever want to see you again…but we both know that I will call”

Me: “Yeah…we do”

With that I left to tackle my busy Saturday.6119459973232173329-7991843549354418334?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


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