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[Straight Bottom] Friends Meet #2


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Mark fucked me as Eric lay asleep in the next bed. It was very early in the morning close to 2am. I know Eric had a very early flight and Mark was in the late afternoon and still had another day here, but had some fun lined up later in the afternoon.

Mark had me on my back with tongue deep in my mouth and his cock firmly planted in my hole. We were having a good time without Eric.Who we could hear gently snore in the next bed. My cock was rich hard and I was close to cumming both from being well fucked and the friction tween our bodies. Mark held up and planted another hot wet deep kiss on me and launched another volley of jizz in my ass.

With his cock sending deep volley after volley in my hole. I came sending cum all over each of us. We giggled a little like school girls trying not to wake up a parent. I was not sure if Eric would be mad, but I did not want to find out.

Mark pulled his cock from me kissing his way down my body licking what cum he could find in the dark. When he got to a certain point he got out of bed and went back to his room. I laid there in a state of orgasmic euphoria, a half hard but slowly deflating cock, a cum full of ass and sticky from top to bottom. I fell asleep.

I woke when I heard Eric and Mark talking in the other room in hushed but harsh tones. It really felt like a lovers spat to me, but my eyes were so heavy. I fell back to sleep, but what startled awake a short time later to Eric slamming the door as he left to catch his flight. Mark came in a second or two later. He sighed pretty loudly, in that frustrated WTF was that kind of way.

I rolled over and asked what happened. Mark spilled the bears that Eric did not like us fucking without in the middle of the night and was going to have rethink all of our relationships. I pretty much thought we could do whatever we wanted and I always did. I am prepared for whatever Eric wants to do, but I am not prepared to give up the cock that I getting.

Mark had a towel wrapped around his waist and I could tell he was hard. Regardless of Eric, I kicked back the blankets, spread my legs and asked Mark to come fuck me one more time. He looked at the clock on the wall and dropped his towel. I pushed a couple of pillows under my ass and he lined his cock up to my still wet hole from last night. He slid it into me with one slow movement. His cock felt great in my ass.

He gave my tail another top notch pummeling that had my hard cock leaking and my ass spread wide. I had my legs wrapped around him as he drove this cock in and out of me. He told he me was going to cum and I begged him to breed me like a bitch. He did. He filled me yet again with his thick cum.

There is a part 3 and maybe part 4



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