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NYC memory


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I don’t know what made me think of this today, but...


While I’m mostly a cum-guzzling cocksucker, everybody know knows me knows I have a huge cock, and now and then when I’m ready to busy I let a fellow cocksucker take my load. Problem is, I’m so big almost everybody is terrible at sucking my cock.


Well, one day in the 1990s, I stopped into a clothing shop that used to be on Christopher Street. I wanted to pick up Speedos for my weekend trips out to Fire Island. There was a very handsome young black guy working there—really really good-looking—and I could see immediately that he was “into” me. I guess I was just his type. And I think he was really hirny, too. He saw me looking at the swimming briefs and told me very emphatically—looking at me intently—that I could try them on (not the usual thing, of course, with swimwear). He REALLY wanted me to try them on. There were two other cute young guys working, and they were smiling knowingly. I thought it was just flirtation, and because the guy was so handsome and sexy I was happy to flirt back. And—took the hint. I love showing off my monster cock. Went into a dressing room (they were in the middle of the store, on a kind of platform), put on the Speedos, pulled my anatomy up to show it off in all its glory, and pulled back the curtain for the salesman to see. I felt like I was on stage. I asked him what he thought. They look great, he said. He stared at my bulge and licked his lips like a slut. “You barely fit into them.” I asked if he thought I should try the next size up. “Oh no. I’m not complaining.” The other guys were pretending to work. “I wonder if you rearranged a bit though, if you’d fit into them better. Can I show you?” Sure, I said. He came up and put his hand on my crotch. I was instantly hard—and just like that, he was on his knees, and pigging out like there was no tomorrow. It was HOT! He was FANTASTIC—got the whole think in his mouth without a problem (a rarity) and he had beautiful full lips that felt like heaven, and he knew how to keep his tongue pressed up on my shaft. The other two guys came and watched. This guy—really, an inspiration, he just went for it, a complete glutton. I didn’t ask, I knew he wanted my load, and when I shot he went all the way down. I grabbed the back of his head. When I was completely drained, I stepped back, told him “sold!’ which made all three of them laugh. I paid and left with some lame joke shout their great customer service. 


Thing is, he was so great, I went back to find him again some months later and he wasn’t there. But I never forgot that great blowjob like something out of a porn movie. 


Anyway, just wanted to share a memory. 

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