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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Christmas Card Edition


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One of the reasons I have enjoyed living here is that there's always been a likelihood of a white Christmas. Though Michigan falls can be spectacularly beautiful, there's a point after Thanksgiving in which autumn simply shrugs, packs its bags, and lets winter move in a few weeks early. The snow starts falling almost immediately after that, giving the world outside my window an old, Victorian Christmas-card appearance. Tree branches lie heavy with with the stuff. Every barren patch of ground, every harsh edge, gets smoothed over and erased by a blanket of white. It can be beautiful.

And of course, one of the reasons I dislike living here so much is the likelihood of a white Christmas. And a white January. And a white February, March, and part of April. The stuff never goes away. Eight inches of snow (the worst eight inches any guy could ever get) will fall, and just as I've cleared it away from the walks and driveway, another eight will descend. There's a point in late winter or what's technically early spring in which there's simply no place left to throw the stuff I'm shoveling.

And today seems to be the day it's all starting, here. At least it's pretty—for a while.

As ever on Sundays, I field questions I've gotten through formspring.me, the service that allows you to send me anonymous queries about my life and opinions. You guys know how I like to talk about myself—feel free to ask your questions at their website. I'll answer just about anything that's not bat-shit crazy, super-repetitive, or overly abusive. Unfortunately, lately I've been getting a lot of numbers one and three from those choices.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

A sexual/romantic kiss? Making out? With tongue 'n' stuff? Eleven.

I think it's time for another crusty underwear give-away! Can you make that happen soon??

You do, do you? Maybe for the next big milestone on my blog . . . perhaps when I reach 400 followers, we'll do it. I have sold a couple of pairs, in the meantime.

Do you honestly believe everything a gay guy tells you (more specifically about HIV status)?

I don't and cannot have a mindset in which I distrust everyone from the get-go. Would anyone honestly want to live that kind of life? People do, but I'm not one of them.

If the question behind your question is intended to be, "Are you aware that some men lie about their HIV status?", the answer is yes, I do. People are dishonest about all kinds of things, including that.

Have you ever received pitysex from someone? why did you do it? why did they pity you? Did it make you feel better?

One of the worst depressions of my life occurred when I discovered that someone had been about to bestow pity sex upon me. He assumed I couldn't get laid because of my age, but at the last minute couldn't go through with it because the age difference was too great between us.

Mind you, at the time he was 25 and I was 32. He was a fucking idiot.

Is every interior decorator a bottom?

I will have to have a larger sample size in order to answer the question with authority. However, given that the general population consists mostly of bottoms, all indicators point to 'yes'.

So: after many months of alternating reading you and MrGloryHoleJunkie in the same session, I'll let the questions flow. Just two this time! 1) Given the excitement you get whenever anyone happens to moan "Dad" when you're up their ass--did you ever ge

Your question flowed right out of the text box there, sport. You might want to try again.

Have you ever sent a sexy email or emailed sexy photos of yourself to someone?

No, never. I am too shy and private a soul ever to take disgusting X-rated photos of myself and post them in public spots on the internet or send them via email with the intention of luring innocents into my bed! Gloriosky!

Is twink a euphemism for bottom?

'Twink' usually refers to a very young gay guy, ideally between the ages of 18-22. Often it's used to refer to hairless thin young men. Although a lot of this particular population tends to be bottom, the word 'twink' does not specifically connote a preference in position, only an age and body type.

If I gave you my name/contact info, would *we* be Facebook friends?

In theory it could, but in practice I tend to keep my blogging/tweeting identity separate from my personal and professional profiles.

Regarding your "twitter/formspring" self compared to your "real world" self, are there differeces between them? Can you put your finger on one or two differences and why you express yourself differently?

There is very little difference between how I express myself online—whether in my blog or on Twitter or elsewhere—and how I express myself in real life. It's a point of pride, actually.

Your most recent blog entries are beautifully written (and I am a commercial writer, so I know). Does your sex life feed your creative life?

Thank you for the compliments. I'd enjoy seeing your work sometime.

Absolutely my sex life feeds my creative life. Not only does it give me material to blog and journal, but meeting people and hearing their stories and observing them gives me all kinds of inspiration for my creative work.

Spit or swallow.???

Swallow. Every time.12316001024335229-640991317753236945?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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