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[Untitled Barebacker] Oops, busted!


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The other day I was checking out GayDemon where I like to visit and stay up on other sites, blogs, etc. when I came across this Editor’s Pick listing. Wow. I was quite humbled. Most bloggers, I think, suspect that very seldom do we get noticed. It’s not like I can tell my mom this address so she and my other relatives can keep up with my antics, so when I hear that someone actually reads my posts, it makes me all warm and mushy inside. (Well, not my favorite warm and mushy, but a damned good second place!) So thank you GayDemon Editor, I really appreciate the recognition…and the not so subtle kick in the ass to post again.

Okay, I’ve slacked. I have several drafts started, but I have had so many things going on in my life lately that I’ve let my blog slip. I thought it had just been a few weeks, but when I logged on today I see it’s been much, much longer.

I’ve got the remainder of the pics from Decadence coming later this week. Maybe it will be a nice trip down memory lane by the time I get them up, at least. Coming soon in other posts I’ve been to a couple of bareback parties, a few other smaller sessions, some BDSM, a little travel, some shopping fun, a scare, some other health stuff,and some*hygiene*tips.

So, like I said, I’ve got a bunch started, I just need to finish them up and get them posted. Thanks for sticking with me if you haven’t given up on me yet. I’ll try to make it worth your while.

Tags: bareback parties, memory lane, place, trip, time, bunch, Web Rings and Cliques f1QrcZJfV1I


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