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[Breeder] And a Happy New Year!


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In case anyone wondered. . . .

I'd anticipated taking no more than a week off, over the holiday season, to spend time with my visiting family. I had precious little alone-time, sad to say--but it was a trade-off with which I could live, for the chance to be with people close to me.

Then the week took an unexpected twist. Saturday I found myself driving across Ohio and Pennsylvania en route to the east coast, in order to return the family back to their new home. Considering that I'd really only planned to drive them as far as the local airport, the additional twelve hours in the car was a little something of a surprise.

Tomorrow I'll be driving back to my Midwestern home, however. And after I get over the buzzy feeling from being in the car for so long (anyone along Route 80 want to give me a massage along the way?), I'll be back to my usual prolific posting.

Keep your fingers crossed for my safe trip home. And please know that I'm looking forward to sharing the events and thoughts of the new year with you all.



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