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Evolution of a Verbal POZ Daddy - Part 2

Guest STLjeffDadd

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Guest STLjeffDadd

Evolution of a Verbal POZ Daddy - Part 2

Mike made his way home from his usual routine early Monday happy hour with his usual routine fellow daddy drinking buds. His drinking buds were always for one thing, great chat, but not what Mike craved himself: the constant need to be the confident top dad he’s evolved into over the last couple years, breeding hot willing bottom bitches’ holes he routinely hooked up with on his fuk site app, or at his always reliable bath house. Whether hosting or being hosted with guys within close distance, or planning a night out at his local bath house, Mike had to answer to himself and his BIO need first and foremost. Happy hour drinking buds were actually real people and almost to the level of friends, great “apples,” but willing proven bottom cunts were “oranges.” Mike needed his oranges that night.  

Ted, whom he called his Teddy Bear Pig, already left a few messages in Mike’s in box, wanting to stop over to Mike’s bedroom. There was a message from a new prospect called Ryan.  Mike always had a thing about choosing the sure thing first, and proposing to the newbie Ryan an initial coffee meet, first to scope and filter each other out.  Mike wanted Teddy that night.  Ryan would have to reply with a sincere desire to coffee, scope, filter and feel each other out first. Sure thing Teddy was “peaches.” Newbie Ryan was “lemon”  Mike chose peaches.

Safe at home, Mike, pouring himself a nitecap cocktail, some rail gin and juice, replied to his Teddy, “Tonight’s fine.  I’m in my bed, in my black leather mask, and yur blindfold is hanging on the door as before. I’m wanting to taste and fuk that juicy hole again, sexy. “ It wasn’t but a matter of minutes in Mike’s own 420 time that he got his reply from his Teddy. It was on. A good Monday afternoon happy hour, and now a nice nitecap at home. Bed time with his Teddy.  Mike got off on his anon fuk sessions, the whole mask shit, bit while stroking his meat thinking about Teddy’s awesome sloppy hot juice hole (for Teddy’s  hole was always sloppy and used just before wherever and by whomever,) Mike was a good daddy rimmer and fucker, proud of the skill he honed over the last couple years since his long-time parter suddenly and unexpectedly died. Mike always knew you can’t replace the guy you actually loved and knew you’d spend eternity with. But his partner was now gone and Mike was dealt the losing half of a the deck. Going on without him.  Mike was committed to go on, never to obsess over the guilt of fulfilling his BIO need to fuck and breed, to have his willing seed squeezed out by some hot willing boi cunt. 

On his second gin and juice nitecap, Mike left his porch light on, his front door unlocked, and crashed in his 420 time to his bed for what seemed like an hour or whatever. Mike preferred rap music to crash asleep to.  It wasn’t long before he was woken up to the feel of his masked Teddy’s hot lips on his always-hard daddy cock. Mike loved skull fucking his bottoms first, letting them taste his precum. Mike knew it made chaser whores ever more horny and willing for his seed,  His gift.  Even though Mike, based on routine three month testing, always coming up neg,  his seed was still  clean, sterile, not what his Teddy or his other bottom bitches were really wanting and needing.  

Nonetheless, Mike rimmed Teddy’s sweet ass juices and plowed Teddy’s needy hungry cunt and unloaded hard and deep into that willing proven sure thing of the hole he craved that night.  Teddy and Mike crashed asleep but not before Teddy pushed out Mike’s sweet breed seed for Mike to tongue up and share with his Teddy in a hot passionate kiss. It ended up a great Monday. Teddy and Mike crashed asleep for a few more needed hours and when it was daylight morning, Daddy Mike woke up to his usual lonely bed.  And there were about six messages in his inbox by newbie Ryan,  along with messages from six other needy bottom cunts  “Get in line,” Mike thought, “Newbie Ryan is next first for scheduling a meet.  These other bitches are after him.”  “It’s really stressful to be a top daddy in such demand,” Mike pondered, climbing out of his sweaty bed to shit, shower, and have his morning smoothie and coffee  

Daddy Mike often wished he was a robot, without an ever-constant ever demanding sexual BIO need.   He often so wished his hard ever-in-demand daddy dick wasn’t so.


End of Part 2 

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