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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Fudge Room Edition


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I'm glad so many of you guys enjoyed my friend FelchingPisser's MAL diary yesterday. In answer to the universal question I kept getting in my mailbox, no, FelchingPisser doesn't have his own blog. That's why I invited him to guest write for mine.

He does have a lot of great encounters, though, so maybe we can persuade him to share his write-ups from time to time.

Today I'm collecting some of the past replies I've made on formspring.me, the site where people can ask one anonymous (or not-so-anonymous) questions of a personal nature. I'm always up for some good questions, especially about my sex life or my views on sex and sexuality, which is the focus of this blog. I'll answer questions about anything, though, as long as they're not overly invasive, too repetitive, or outright abusive.

When you see a pic of a guy with a real big!!! dick up a guy's ass .. and the bottom's face is all distorted. Do you ever wonder whether he looks that way coz he loves it, or is in pain? :)

I usually hope it's a little of both.

A friend of mine (a theater director who I turned on to your blog) highly doubts that what you write it true. I argue that it is. Who is right? Of course artistic writing requires some "fudge room" I'm sure. But what percent is true? --Reality Lover

I don't make shit up for my blog. I write about my sex life. I change the names and a few details about my partners (occupations, identifying marks, that kind of thing) in order that they aren't readily identifiable. But that's the only fudging I do.

I'm always surprised how outraged I become when someone accuses me of lying in my blog. I take the allegations quite personally. If your friend wants to think I'm a liar, I suppose there's really no way I can stop him. But I pity anyone whose life is so narrow and constrained that my quite normal sex life seems like the stuff of fantastic fiction.

As a bi guy, I consider myself a fairly good top for a gal. i'd like to top a guy.. any suggestions/recommendations? I'd really like to please a guy with a tight hole, but I'm afraid I'll cum too quickly, but that's where my preferences are.

I think you'll find the solution fairly easy. Tops are in high demand. All you need to do is get onto a web site where you can display a photo of your dick, advertise yourself as a top, and you'll be pretty much flooded with offers from willing bottoms.

Out of fairness, I think it might be best to advertise yourself as a novice top looking to gain experience—that way, if there are any premature conclusions or awkwardness, shall we say, they'll be forewarned and you won't have to feel too badly about it. If you shoot too quickly, you'll gain friends if you stick around long enough to provide the bottoms with a second round.

There will be plenty of guys out there who'll want to take you on. I think you'll enjoy it just as much as fucking pussy.

Chuck Liddell is at your bedside. He's naked, ripped, musky. "I'm tied of pussy," he says. "I want to finger-fuck your asshole and suck your dick while I rub your tit and sit on your face." Do you let him?

I had to Google him. But who is going to say no to that request? Not I.

This might be a stupid question, but here it goes. Does your wife know about your bisexuality? I assume she doesn't, but I do know plenty of women do not mind dating men who have been with other men before.

This is one of those questions from which I tend to veer, as it strikes a little close to my home life.

Many guys make the exact same assumption as you. To make that assumption, however, implies that at core, I'm duplicitous in my everyday behavior. To assume that I live my life that way is incorrect.

You have 789 questions answered thus far on here - planning anything special for #800? I'd try to make it a doozy but I can't think of much you haven't answered already.

Is it really that many? I didn't have a special question planned to mark the occasion . . . but as long as it's not a repeat of the one about vampires and African violets, I'm good with whatever comes along.

Name the top 5 twitter guys you have a crush on?

Oh, naming five would be unfair to the other three dozen I have crushes on. I will say that only one of them is a bona fide porn star, though.

If you weren't moving someplace particular and could move anywhere (but had to move somewhere!), where would you go?

If we're playing the game in which money is no object, I'd move somewhere completely different from where I am now. Somewhere like London. Or Australia. Or even San Francisco.

Glad someone has asked you to start contributing as a a writer. You are very, very good.

Why thank you. I'd enjoy more opportunities like the Anal Magazine one.

Did you ever get feedback from bottoms about what's doing it for them?

The good ones let me know, either explicitly or through other feedback like moaning and yelling, what's really working for them. That's probably what most frustrates me about the ones who simply lay there.12316001024335229-5080467999004904565?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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