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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Where Is Everybody Edition?


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Where is everybody? Oh, that's right. They're all at MAL.

The Mid-Atlantic Leather convention is taking place this weekend in Washington, D.C., and it seems as if all my best friends have made the trip to be there. My best pig friends, that is—and pig friends usually tend to be the very best friends of all, don't they? I keep popping online to see who's around to chat, and none of my stalwarts have been there. I hope you're having fun, guys! Bring me back your leftovers.

I've seen an upswing of yawn-worthy comments on my postings this week—not from my usual commenters, or from those of you piping up for the first time, but from salvation-bent sermonizers who claim to be worried for my soul, and whose Christian way to pray for me is to resort to name-calling and demonizing while invoking the Baby Jesus. It's inappropriate. And the worst sin of all is that it's trite. So I'm instituting a new site policy: I'll be marking all such comments as spam and taking note of the IP addresses of those who make them. This is my forum. So play nice, my friends, or don't play at all.

As usual, on Sundays, I'll be rounding up some answers to questions you've been asking on Formspring.me. If you've got questions, you can always ask me there—or as many of you have discovered this week, you can ask them of me via email or through one of my sex site profiles as well. I'll answer anything that's not irrelevant, invasive, or outright rude. Give it a whirl. I'm an easy-going guy.

What do you experience as different between sex in private (you and one or a few more) and sex in public or semi-public (ex: a bathhouse or sex party)?

Group sex can be fun because of the variety of men present—which gives me a chance to experience different dicks and asses without having to hunt for them—and because of the extra visual stimulus of watching the other men have sex at the same time I do. One on one sex usually has more intimacy for me, and as an intimacy junkie, I tend to prefer it.

I'm not sure whether the sex is more enjoyable in a private versus a public space, however. I will say that in a public spot there's usually a steady flow of guys, which can be good or bad depending on the quality of them.

In reading other sexual blogs, what parts get you really horned up? Are there any particular experiences you like to read about (for example, reading a bottom's description of being bred or a top's description of unloading)?

When I'm reading other blogs, I'm usually not any more than theoretically aroused--that is, I'll be enjoying it in my head, though my dick won't be erect.

However, when a blogger writes with a lot of sensory detail, or describes something richly, I'll find myself with a raging boner in my pants. It's the quality of the writing that gets me going, not necessarily the acts involved.

You mentioned in a earlier post you've seen your dad's cock. Now put you, Mikey and your dad in a naked lineup. Who's 1,2,3 in the cock department?

1. Me.

2. Mikey.

3. My dad.

You've mentioned you had sex fairly regularly with a friend of the family while you were in Richmond. Did you have sex with other friends of your parents and do you think your dad ever knew?

I did have sex with other friends and colleagues of my parents--a limited handful of them, anyway. I don't think my parents ever knew.

I'm fairly certain my dad never knew I had sex with the Southern gentlemen known as 'Shirley' in my 'Three Encounters' post, who was both my dad's colleague and one of his best friends. I'm kind of thinking that if he had known about it, he wouldn't have sat me down many years later after Shirley's death and gravely informed me that Shirley had been gay.

Because I pretty much had figured out that one years before, when the guy had been slobbering all over my dick.

Would you ever let a guy piss, cum and shit on you?

I've let guys piss and cum on me, yes.

Shit, no.

Do you like Christmas? Why do you or why not?

I've swung back and forth on the holidays for as long as I can remember. In my childhood I loved the gifts and the family traditions, but there were some Christmases on which my mother's melancholy would so dominate the day that I would've preferred to skip it altogether.

As an adult there have been years in which making a good Christmas for my family has been a rewarding and fun experience. Then there've been years that have been bleak, or when money's been especially tight, and even summoning up the energy to put up a tree has made me feel like a Scrooge. There was the Christmas Eve on which my better half went to the hospital with an emergency that ended up lasting a month, erasing Christmas that year.

Then there's this last Christmas, for which I didn't decorate, and for which I didn't have any family around until the day itself.

Any chances of us hearing more about your first time in a sling?

Would you like to? I'd say the chances were good, then.

Do you spend too much time looking at pornographic material? If so, what is your favorite materials? Magazine? Amateur images from the internet? Porn movies?

Too much time? Not really. I don't even spend much time looking at porn. I have a tendency to prefer fucking over masturbating, and while I'm aware it's possible to fuck to porn, a lot of the time I find it a distraction from the sex, not an enhancement.

I rarely look at photos on websites or magazines these days. When I do use porn, I tend to prefer watching Treasure Island videos while I squeeze one out.

oldest person you have fucked and was it good?

The oldest gentleman I used to see was in his mid-seventies when I was in my thirties. He was a teacher of law of some academic fame. The guy was a very passionate lover and quite, quite sexy.

When you sign in on Twitter, do you generally backread your timeline? Or just your @mentions? Or don't you backread at all? Or just your friend's tweets on their page?

I have a list of people with whom I particularly like to keep up. I backread that list every time I sign in.

What is your favorite holiday - and why?

It would have to be my birthday. Why? Because I enjoy being taken out to dinner to a restaurant of my choice.

Pretty random question, but what magazine do you mostly buy/read?

The New Yorker. Then I balance out my upper-middlebrow tastes with Entertainment Weekly.

Hey, forgive me if this has already been asked but... Do you ever get to play with Chaz very much? Sounds like you guys had a connection...and sounds like he's totally hot. I like that he tops and bottoms. Enjoy hearing your tales about him.

The guy named Chaz that I wrote about in 'Brothers on the Sofa' lives about an hour's drive from me. So no, we don't get to see each other very often. We've met a few times at the fucking/fisting parties held by a mutual friend who lives about midway between us.

I am sort of new to gay anal sex, well almost. I understand when going on a date.. but how do guys in relationships always have a clean ass, like day and night? How do they have sex spontaniously?

Well. There are a few explanations for it.

1) Sometimes a lot of the sex that guys are having spontaneously involve nothing more than hand jobs and blow jobs.

2) Very often when there's bareback anal sex involved, a lot of the guys are hopping in the shower and douching out when they suspect there's a chance they'll be fucking. You might not hear about it because it's not really that romantic, but it happens more often than not.

3) Sometimes guys are fucking with condoms and don't care if their dicks get dirty, when they can just peel off the offending latex and toss it away with a minimum of fuss.

4) Many guys don't really have hugely dirty holes. Whether it's because of the luck of genetics, or the amount of fiber in their diets, or their diets in general, they can take dick and not betray that they haven't spent an hour cleaning out. I was like that in my teens. The guy I've been seeing the last three weeks is very much like that as well. A quick shower and a little bit of a rub with some soap and his finger, and he's genuinely good to go.12316001024335229-8636904037980682144?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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