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[College Cumslut] My Straight Past, Pt. 1 (Non sex)


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This post doesn't involve any of my usual hijinks. In fact, there is no sex at all. This is more of a glimpse into my non-sexual side.

My Straight Past, Pt. 1

The best thing about winter break for me is getting together with friends from high school. It's really the only time all my old friends are in town at the same time. The weekend before Christmas, we decided to get together at a friends house. He invited a bunch of people from our class, so it was going to be a huge party. That night, I picked a couple friends up and headed out.

When we got to the house, it was packed. We made our rounds. I saw some people I hadn't seen since graduation. After talking with some people, I found the host, Jason, my best friend.

"Hey dude, this party is insane!"

"I know. I wasn't expecting this many people!"

"It's pretty sweet. I haven't seen some of these people forever."

We made our way into the kitchen to grab some drinks. Surprisingly, we were the only people in there. Jason grabbed us each a beer and we started talking. We got caught up on school and social life.

"So, have you come out to anyone else?" Jason asked.

"Nope. Still just my friends at school. And you."

"So, no one else here?"

"Nope. Jeff Simons and Jordan Cobbley might know. We know some of the same people at Oregon."

"I didn't invite them, so they shouldn't be here. Jeff is still a prick!"

"Hahaha, I know. He's always been an asshole. Who else did you invite?"

"Most of them are here, so whoever you saw. A couple people couldn't make it."

Jason looked at me and swallowed hard. "I invited Sarah."

I stood there, staring at him. I took a long drink from my bottle.

"I know things are still weird between you too but I couldn't NOT invite her."

I took another drink and swallowed.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "It's ok, you did what you had to do. I'll just try and avoid her. Wouldn't want to cause a scene," I laughed, kind of nervously.

"Have you guys still not talked?"


"Damn... Well, she said she'd be late, so you can have some fun before she gets here."

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically.

Fun is what I had for the next hour or so. After the conversation with Jason in the kitchen, I went into the front room to take my mind off of things. I joined a beerpong game and soon forgot about everything. I was having a blast.

After a couple rounds f beerpong, and many other drinking games, I headed to the family room, where the music and couches/chairs were. The seats were taken but I found a couple friends standing and talking so I joined them.

In the middle of a heated discussion over "Family Guy" vs. "Simpsons" (yes, I am involved in this conversation again lol), I noticed a tall brunette standing with her back to us. I hadn't seen her in 2 years but I knew it was her. My heart began to beat rapidly. I got excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. I didn't know what to do. Do I go up and say hi? Do I ignore her? Do I pick a fight?

All the possible scenarios went through my head... except the one that happened. Sarah turned around and made eye contact with me. I froze. She froze. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Sarah finally broke the staring as she lifted her hand in a half wave and smiled. That fucking smile! I half-smiled and waved back.

Sarah grabbed her drink off of a bookshelf and made her way towards me. Surprisingly, I started to calm down. I lowered my head and took a deep breath as she approached. Lifting my head, I was face to face with the first of two people I have truly loved. ..3766694183598535868-8413082404743945101?l=collegecumslut.blogspot.com


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