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Did I get stealth fucked?


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I'm really worried- I always play safe with everybody I hook up with but last night I hooked up with this one guy who SAID he used a condom (I even heard him rustling through a drawer), but it just did not feel like he did.

He also pulled out before he came, which is weird cus why would he pull out if he still had a condom on.

Overall I was just getting an "off" vibe about the situation, so do you think it would be worth it to get the PEP or PREP drugs or whatever if I do not know entirely if I was fucked raw or not.

(And I'm sorry to be asking this on a bareback forum where people will probably advocate not doing anything. But I want to stay negative my entire life and only bareback for a serious boyfriend)

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Guest diapbttmboi

PEP is not something you should take lightly. It damaged my liver and made me very ill. I only lasted 1/3rd of the course. If you were stealthed there would have been evidence of his cum in your hole.

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