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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Road Trip Edition


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I'm still on an out-of-town jaunt today, but you know how I am. I can't leave you guys alone for very long. We'll be having another round of Reader Asses tomorrow for your inspection—and trust me, there are some particularly good ones in this round. (And still more to come!)

But today, as usual, I'll be addressing some of the reader questions I've gotten in the past few weeks on formspring.me. The site's a place where you can ask me anonymous questions about which you might've been curious. I've answered hundreds of questions so far, so I know it's difficult to know exactly what's been asked and what hasn't—but I'll answer anything that hasn't been asked ten times before, or isn't too rude or invasive. So hit me up. You might be surprised by an answer. And of course, you can always ask me via email, if you'd like a more personal response. I try to get to all my emails sooner or later.

If someone says something hurtful to you are you able to ignore it or do you believe it and feel bad? Or do you handle it differently?

For many years, if someone were to say something hurtful to me, I'd do all of the above—namely, I'd pretend to ignore it as if I hadn't heard the remark, and then I'd proceed silently to believe it and feel badly about what was said.

These days, however, I'm confident enough that if someone says something outrageously hurtful, I'll point out how the remark hurt, speculate on the intentions behind its making, and suggest that the person who uttered it refrain in the future. If someone makes enough rude remarks, I'll remove them from my company on a permanent basis.

Have you ever experienced someone using sex for bartering while playing a board game?

I have not! However, I did once play strip gin rummy. I won.

Did you ever have sex with someone you really didn't like?

Yes. Once because he irritated me so much that it was easier to have sex with the guy than to carry on a conversation. And also because I was pretty sure he'd go to sleep afterward and free me from his company. Which turned out to be the case.

I enjoy your blog and appreciate your questions and answers. Any tips for helping me become a better cocksucker?

Thank you. My basic advice would be to watch your teeth, to work on your lasting power, and to swallow. Always.

On a broader note, though, I tend to prefer cocksuckers who remember that I'm the one being serviced, and who follow my rhythms and desires—not the guys who want me to pop a nut in three and a half minutes because that's when their jaw gets sore. If I feel that the cocksucker is rushing me or is on a deadline, I get turned off immediately.

Are you loud and verbal when you fuck someone? When you cum?

Verbal, yes. Loud? Not always. I can whisper a stream of filth into a guy's ear while I'm pinning him down just as effectively as I can shout it.

If you could change the age at which you lost your virginity, would you? Would it be younger or older and why?

I'm happy I lost my virginity at the age I did, and to the person who took it. It was a positive experience, so I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ever had sex in a public park?

Starting when I was twelve, yep.

What would you do if someone made a movie about you based on this blog?

Demand my cut of the profits, then sit back and watch the pennies roll in!12316001024335229-8680357844318056285?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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