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[Closet Bi] Last night's raw fuck

Guest wl101

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Guest wl101

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At first I thought fate was conspiring against me yesterday evening. I'd opted to catch an earlier train towards Manchester but it was already running late on arrival at my station. Then the driver quickly left his cab, walked down the train and started kicking bits of the undercarriage before getting out his phone and standing there pointing. This went on for some time. After 10-15 mins or so, it was announced the train had a faulty set of brakes and was being taken out of service. So we all had to cross the platform and catch the next train which was crammed like sardines.

From then on my journey was as normal. Got a taxi from Piccadilly station - eleven fucking quid the thieving bastard - and I met up with the guy.

He's 21. I met him on xtube. We've been speaking over the last few months. He opened the door in an adidas top, some tracky pants and white socks (no shoes). Shaved head. Flat chested. Gorgeous. Really good looking lad. He'd always played down his looks to me. He had no need to at all. Really my type of lad. Think fit scally but without the negatives that come with it.

Straight upstairs and his pants were off. A fine looking dick on him. Fairly large too. Bigger than mine. All that was needed was me to lube up. He lay on his back and asked me if I was alright fucking him bareback. I told him I was if he was. We'd debated this for some time previously. It was not until I'd taken the plunge that I'd considered bareback with him. But as he said he'd only been with one guy previously (night before as it happens) and he was a top only in that position, I was cool with it. So was he.

He said he'd never taken a cock up the arse before so I was getting his anal cherry. Never taken anyone's cherry before, man or woman, so that was nice.

Took a few goes to get my dick into him and the first time, he got a bit over ambitious and tried to take it all in one go...that caused a bit of pain and he pushed me out quickly. But taking things slowly I soon found myself balls deep in his tight arsehole...and what a nice tight arsehole it was. Really snug. Gripped my hard dick really well. In fact, too well. Having let him get used to the first anal intrusion and then pumped him a couple of minutes I found the tell tale signs of my spunk beginning its journey. We'd discussed me dropping a couple of loads into him so I didn't try and hold back. I thought adding some spunk to his hole might help to cream over any residual pain he was feeling so I let fly deep into his bowels. He reciprocated by wanking off as I continued to fuck my cum into him.

We then lay next to each other and despite him claiming to be poor at idle chat, I found him to be happy to chat. I asked him quite a bit, being nosey as as my want. I already knew he had Asperger's. I know someone else with Asperger's and he is, to be polite, awkward to deal with socially until you get to know him. This lad last night, however, was totally different. Really easy to get on with. The fact he looked so fit helped, of course! But he had his said screwed well and truly on and wanted to get himself an education and a job. Very admirable qualities for a 21 year old Manc, most of whom wanna hang round street corners.

I got hard again and invited him to sit on me which he did, still in a little pain taking me up his arse but to his credit he got on and we got a nice rhythm going at one point. It didn't take too much before he shot a load over my hairy chest. I was still some way off spunking again so we tried doggy. Unfortunately, the pressure/pain was too much for him so we abandonned that and in the end we called fucking to a close at that point.

We enjoyed further chat and he revealed he wasnt sure in his own mind if he liked the idea of meeting guys for casual sex any more, even though I was only his second. He'd been asked by quite a few guys for meets and he said he felt obliged to meet them as he'd said he would. I came over all fatherly and tried to make him to make his own mind up and not to be pushed about. I hope he didn't feel "duty bound" to see me last night.

I got dressed and that was that.

A little disappointed I only got to cum once and this morning he's messaged me saying he wishes he'd let me spunk #2 doggy but c'est la vie. Apparently he's still a bit sore this morning but says he enjoyed being fucked and spunked in, once he'd eased into it. He also says he's taking himself off the market and turning over a new leaf, even though the old one isnt that old but I understand where he's coming from.

I feel honoured he let me take his anal virginity and that he let me spunk up his tight hole. He was a fine looking lad who I'm sure many a man/woman would fall for in looks alone and I wish him all the best for the future. And if he ever puts himself back on the market, he knows how to contact me ;)5276175319366823909-1065043538478142877?l=closet-bi.blogspot.com


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