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Birth Orders that attract 😉


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Here is a general birth compatibility guide and the birth orders that attract:

First-born with last-born: Opposites really do attract. First-borns are nurturers and caretakers, and last-borns often need to be cared for, so this match finds its perfect opposite.

Only child with last-born: This is a good match because last-borns tend to inspire creativity and freedom in only children.

Middle child and first-born: If you're with a middle child, you've hit the jackpot. Middle children tend to be able to get along with both first-bornsand last-borns. But any pairing still requires that both partners respect who the other is. An overbearing first-born should be on her best behavior around a more docile and malleable middle child.

Two last-borns: A couple comprised of two last-borns can be a great creative match. But they should be careful of being too impulsive or immature with one another.

Two middle children: Middle children are a good match because of their combined diplomacy and desire to please, but they should be careful of being too deferential to each other.

Middle child and last-born: They're a great match because middle children aim to please and will support a last-born's desires to pursue their dreams.

Middle child with only child: Only children like to take charge and middle children are only too happy to have someone else take the reigns.

Hope this helps and let me know your thoughts guys 

Have a fun weekend 

Karl 😃

Edited by Karl8181
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