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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: All Are Welcome Here Edition


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I get a lot of email in the course of a week. A whole lot of email. And while I generally get around to it, sooner or later (I swear! There was actually the space of three whole days at the beginning of April when my pending-reply box was blissfully empty), sometimes it takes a little time.

I prioritize, you see. The urgent stuff and the notes that only require a quick reply get my attention almost immediately. The mails that are more personal and need longer replies tend to languish a few days. Or weeks. I apologize for it, but I like to give the emails the attention they deserve. Eventually. Since I love the email, I'm not complaining or suggesting that I'd like to get less of it. Just know that if I don't reply immediately, it's not because I tossed your missive in my virtual trashcan.

I've noticed in the last couple of weeks an email trend. I've gotten several notes from readers asking if I mind female fans. I'm surprised, a little—not that I have female fans. I've got a distinct population of those. Some of them comment regularly, even. I know that for a while I had several women readers who were themselves writers of slash fiction. And if I have to explain what slash fiction is to you people . . . well, I'm not gonna.

There's no NO GURLS ALLOWED sign on my clubhouse door. A small minority of my readers might balk at the notion that this is anything other than a boys-only enclave. Don't worry. My female fans have been pretty innocuous, and just as polite as most of my readers. You've probably not even noticed them. If you happen to be one of my female readers, I welcome you.

We could all stand to learn a little more about each other, in the end.

Do you feel like you have to, or maybe do automatically, censor your behavior and what you say around women in gay bars? Even if they're not watching you?

I cannot say I do. I don't think of women as alien creatures unacquainted with male sexuality. They know better than men what pigs we are, sometimes.

Besides, if they're in a gay bar, they're guests there. You might not want to take them in the back room with you, but you shouldn't have to censor your natural affections when they're around.

You had a great date with a guy. Is it to soon/needy to call him the next day or should you wait a day or two?

Unless he asks you to call the next day, I think waiting another day or two seems less anxious.

Of course, if he's asking you to call the next day, he might seem like the controlling and/or needy one.

Are your little sperms flowing the bounty mane or are they being stopped due to some previous surgery?

If you're asking whether I've had a vasectomy, the answer would be that I have not.

What street do you live on?

This question is nice and stalkery! Was that you shining the flashlight in my window last night?

can you say that you are living your life to its full capacity?

Who among us is? What I am doing, however, is trying to live as richly as possible, accepting experiences as they arrive, and trying to be open-minded to the possibilities. As long as I'm doing that and not running away from opportunities in fear, I think I'm doing all right.

If I asked you to think of five dicks you've had in you, what five dicks (and guys attached to them) would you think of?

1. I'd think of the first I took.

2. Earl and his meat would come immediately to mind.

3. I'd think of the Latin guy who picked me up in a mall bookstore and fucked me in his apartment.

4. I'd remember fondly the dick of a man with whom I was in love a decade ago, whose top virginity I took before he took a religious vow.

5. I'd probably lastly think about the Australian who was my last top, way too many years ago.

which one of the seven dwarfs from Snow White would you be??

Sleazy. That's one of them, isn't it?

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Apparently I own 17 pairs of shoes. I had more, but when I learned I was moving, I gave a dozen pairs to charity that I rarely wore.

The oldest shoes I have are a pair of tan suede bucks that I got during college. They're still in excellent condition.

Have you ever slept with somone 10 years or more older than you? Over 10 years younger? (Some questions from the web now)

Yes, to both questions. And quite often. I've never really been ageist, even (or especially) when I was very young.

Lots of ppl work from home for their boss, seems sensible considering traffic jams and all. Do you think they all work the hours they claim they do? Do you trust that?

I'm not convinced they work all the hours they claim they do in the workplace. There used to be an awful lot of Freecell going on in the places I used to work.

If the work's getting done with sufficient quality, in sufficient numbers, and on time, why quibble?

If your friends were in a monogamous relationship, you are friends with both, and you find out one of them is cheating.. would you tell the other?

No. Never. The other partner probably won't think you've done them a service, either, and very likely it could damage your friendship with both parties.

But primarily, their sexual life is not your business, and it's not your call to make judgements on someone else's relationship.12316001024335229-195992581796511602?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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