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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: Relocation Edition


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So here's the deal, guys.

At the end of the week, my little household is moving from the middle of the country several hundred miles to its eastern edge. It's a big and stressful undertaking. I know I've been frazzled the last several weeks, but I'm expecting this week, and my current home, to be the epicenter of a stressquake of a magnitude never before encountered. I mean, the last time I moved this far, I was a student and all my possessions could be fit into a car.

Of course, the last time I moved this far I didn't have professional movers handling everything, so who knows? Maybe it'll be a breeze. Fingers crossed.

I'm going to try to make a few entries this week while I can, but they may be erratic. I probably won't have any internet access after midweek save through my phone, and it won't be switched on at the new place until late next week. I'm planning to re-post some very old entries while I'm gone to tide you guys over, and I'll probably also include an old entry that never was published here. I'm not a huge fan of reruns, but I know a lot of my newer readers haven't been exploring the back archive, and some of my older readers might get a kick out of knowing what old entries are my favorites.

Basically, I'm apologizing in advance for how inconsistent it's going to be around here for the next two weeks, and hope you'll stick with me and throw out the odd encouraging comment from time to time. I'd appreciate it.

Let's get to some questions, courtesy of formspring.me.

Would you break up with someone because of his politics?

Absolutely, if I found them abhorrent to me. But more likely I wouldn't get to the point where we'd be involved, if that were the case.

I read your blog all the time, it's smoking hot, but what confuses me is you say you are married but you have guys over quite frequently. I'm wondering what exactly is the arrangement with your spouse? Are you separated? Estranged? Divorced? Or just open?

If you've read my blog for any length of time, you'd know I've answered this question several times before. I have a creative job that allows me to structure most of my days as I please. If it pleases me to invite men over when my house is free, I may do so. I've also spoken several times of the separation I currently have from my family as we attempt to most to the east coast. My family is already there and has been for six months, while I stay behind and attempt to sell my house.

I've also addressed the latter set of questions before . . . by refusing to address it. That matter is private.

Interest post, about fans. Makes me wonder what you'd do if your shit ever hit one. Any thoughts?

Interesting that you assume I have shit that would hit a fan. Doesn't mean that you're right, though.

What is a thing you would never do during sex?

Cross-dress. (I intend no offense to those who enjoy it. It's just not a turn-on for me, personally.)

If you could have sex professionally (in any way you like), would you?

If you mean if I could have sex and get paid for it, I've done that more times that I could really count. Hell, I put a down-payment on my first house using rent-boy money.

You're hungry now! what would you like to eat?

My go-to answer for that question is always Thai noodles or pizza.

What's you favorite porn site?

I don't have a porn site that I visit on a regular or even semi-regular basis. I think that I would have to say that Twitter is my favorite porn site, because my timeline is usually rich with guys posting self-pics and links to photos they think are hot. I'm more inclined to look at those than browse porn sites.

Would you give up everything and leave everything behind to be with the person you love?

Who says I love only one person?

About your view that bottoms far outnumber tops -- do see ED playing a role in guys retiring to bottoming?

I answered this exact question for you several weeks ago. Most bottoms I've played with during my long sexual career have been rock-hard when I fuck them. They're clearly not experiencing erectile dysfunction.

chinese or mexican?

I'd probably pick Mexican. When it comes to going to a strange Chinese or Mexican restaurant, I've had mediocre food at the worst Mexican restaurants, but extraordinarily bad and inedible food at the worst Chinese places.

Wait, we are talking about food, right?

What is your perception of how people see you?

I spent too much time in my teens and twenties worrying about how people saw me, so that I could figure out how to blend in and not attract attention.

What a waste of time. Now I don't really give a rip. The only people I really care about are my loved ones, and they like me just fine.

If you had any one piece of advice for a young guy discovering and exploring his sexuality...what would it be?

You've got a limited amount of time on this planet. Too little time to waste on fear and shame, or to feel ugly and unworthy.

Instead of wasting that time, get out and meet the people you want to meet. Introduce yourself to the men you'd like to get to know, regardless of what other people think of you or them. Have the sex that you want to have, without fretting about what your friends or parents might think. It's your life. Live it.

Only please, do so without trampling on the feelings of others. We've all got to get along, here.12316001024335229-2564942939495127353?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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